We all want to feel like we're a part of a group. Having something in common with someone else is the cornerstone to most healthy friendships, both in real life and online.
My Facebook friends have created or joined some pretty wacky assemblages of people. You're probably no stranger to some doozies yourself. I just took a peek and here's a random sampling of some of the off-the-wall groups my friends are members of:
I support the 5 students who wore the American flag to school
Yodelers-Anonymous (Yod-Anon)
I Worked at or Hung Out at the New Rochelle Mall … At One Time or Another
It's understandable that only a handful of people are members of these groups. What I can't understand is the myriad of other off-the-wall Facebook groups that MILLIONS of people have joined.
Here are just 11. Some have hundreds of thousands of members alone. I think the titles are pretty self explanatory. Help me add to the list of Stupid, Meaningless Facebook Groups That Millions Have Joined in comments!
Ending a Presentation By Saying "And Yeah"
When You Hit Your Hip on a Counter and You Feel Like You Just Got Shot
Every Girl Has a Slutty Friend and if You Don't Then You Are the Slutty Friend
When I Walk Into a Spider Web I Immediately Go Psycho
I Know You're Talking About Me, Asian Nail Lady
Shouting Someone's Name in Different Octaves Until They Hear You
You Ask My Mom, She'll Say Yes to You
Saying Goodbye to Your Pet When You Leave the House
Saying, "Well, That Went Well," When It Clearly Didn't
Yes, I Do Know You Well Enough to Tell You're Upset by How You're Typing
Continued below … add your Meaningless Facebook Group here!
Image via jaycameron/Flickr