I've noticed that the infamous CString is making the Internet rounds once again, after being showcased on The Doctors.
What's a CString, you ask?
Essentially, it's an underwire for your crotch.
You can wear it either as lingerie or, according to its makers, as a bikini.
(Good luck with not getting arrested should you choose to wear this on a public beach.)
Believe it or not, I bought a CString and tried it out for a beauty column …
Want to know what I thought?
Keep reading!
Here's what I wrote for my beauty column in Her Nashville magazine about the c-string:
When the CString arrived, I have to admit, I was repulsed. The whole thing is basically a crotch underwire covered with cheap fabric, therefore it can only be hand washed. Ew. That night, I tried mine on while my husband was getting ready for bed. Then I took a look in the mirror.
People, I’ve done a lot of things for this column. I’ve worn a Snuggie in public. I’ve had hot wax applied in places I can’t even mention here. But I would not, could not let my husband see me in a CString. It was just too… stupid.
I can only imagine the looks on the faces of the women who receive their own CString for Christmas. Horror. Fear. Humiliation. The CString is a marriage-ender, people. And I doubt they take returns.
Not only was my CString humiliating, it was also incredibly uncomfortable. In fact, I can't believe this company is still in business.
Thanks to The Doctors, though, CString Direct is probably getting lots of new orders. Here's the segment from the show:
She said "rectal bacteria." Ew.
Moving on!
It's sharing time! Tell me if you'd wear a C-String, ladies …
Image via CStringDirect.com