In my old age I find myself starting to live a little more dangerously, trying things I've always wanted to do. Like not wearing a bra to work. Sampling Pajama Jeans in public. And removing my lady beard and telling the world about it. Well today, I want to talk about adding eyelash extensions to the pathetic wisps of hair around my eyes. I want to be a Venus Flytrap face in the name of beauty.
I've been on this 'where the freak did my eyelashes go?!' rampage for some time now. I suspect that after I had my children, my eyelashes went the way of my ass and just disappeared. My suspicion also has me believing the coarse hairs that once helped me bat my lashes to win over my husband's heart are now reappearing on my chin. We won't talk about where my ass went, but I think most moms know exactly what happened there.
In order to be hairy on the eye again, I went to Alicia Hunter, NovaLash expert extraordinaire. And the results were shocking.
First let's talk about the application. It's tedious. It took 90 minutes! So make sure you go to an experienced and well trained eyelash extensionist since one false move and you'll have a hairy eyeball. That's why I went to Alicia. She does the lashes of Real Housewives of New York Sonja Morgan and Ashleigh Banfield, and she's basically a surgeon with her hands. She applied one lash at a time with a tweezer and NovaLash's Platinum Bond Adhesive, which is a medical grade adhesive that lasts and is safe for use in the eye area.
I sat like this for 90 minutes. Only the upper lashes are done so this must separate the upper from the lower.
It was a little uncomfortable at first and my eyes fluttered, but as I settled in, I went to a happy relaxed place. If I was able to have my coffee fed to me through a straw, it would have been perfect. Alicia and I chatted about our kids and clothes as she transformed me into Eyelash McLasherson.
Yes, I clearly need an eyebrow tweeze and should consult an aesthetician but can we talk about the LASHES? WOW!!
I have no mascara on, people!
I realized this was going to be one of the best AND worst things that would happen to me.
The best because, well, look at them! I got complimented on my long, lush lashes at the dentist (true story) and at the hair salon (the girl who washed my hair looooooved them and thought they were real!). The best because I didn't have to put on any eye makeup to look awake and ready to go. The best because who has time for makeup some days? The best because it's summer and hot and my eye makeup sometimes likes to run — not a problem when you don't have to wear any. The best because these lashes can last for weeks and weeks.
The worst because once they are gone, you remember what you had and miss those long beautiful eyelashes oh so much. Kind of like the booty I once had and wish I had again. But unlike my rear, I can get more lashes, or upkeep them.
Here's the deal: Typically, when you get eyelash extensions, good ones, they will fall out when your lash naturally falls out. You have to take care of them by using a glycol-free mascara, though you really don't need any mascara at all. You also should condition them with NovaLash cleansing pads to help the lashes keep their flexibility; otherwise, they get wonky and go in the wrong direction. Trust me on that one.
A single eyelash has a lifespan of about four to eight weeks. So every four weeks you would go to your NovaLash specialist and get fill-ins to keep your lashes lush. It's a commitment much like keeping up with your bikini wax schedule. I didn't do that though. I let my extensions fall out without replacing and there was a week or so where I had a few long lashes mixed in with my piddly ones. Kind of a weird look. I'm sad to say they are all gone now and I think about them every day when I put on mascara. Tear.
Bet you're wondering about price? Yes, well they cost about $300 to $450 — Alicia did mine without charge. Fill-ins take approximately 40 minutes and cost around $100.
Worth it? I think so. It was a boost of confidence to not need makeup and I love the idea for a special occasion. Can be a pricey habit, but so is drinking on the weekends and that doesn't contribute to looking good in the least.
What do you think of eyelash extensions? Would you get them?