Kristen Stewart’s Controversial Drug Confession Is Really Refreshing

I get the impression Kristen Stewart doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. (And I'd venture to guess that includes moms who are irritated that their tween and teen daughters are looking up to her.) Because in her latest interview, in Vanity Fair, KStew mouthed off about a bevy of things, including her penchant for smoking pot.

Discussing how the media jumped all over her when she initially made headlines for being cast as Bella in the first installment of the Twilight franchise, she mentioned that anyone who wants to can Google images of her smoking up with her ex-boyfriend and dog. She says, "It was taken the day the movie came out. I was no one. I was a kid. I had just turned 18." And from that point on, she claims "it was like I was a delinquent slimy idiot." But that's not the case, she argues. No, no. Instead, KStew describes herself as "kind of a weirdo, creative Valley Girl who smokes pot. Big deal."

As irritating as she can be when giving interviews or accepting awards all on her lonesome, and whether or not she's as "creative" as she claims to be, KStew has a very solid point … about the pot smoking, that is. It's unfair to label her a delinquent or an idiot for doing what plenty of young adults and Hollywood stars do. Oh sure, getting stoned's not the absolute healthiest activity she could be participating in. Getting "caught" drinking green juice or obsessively going to and from Pilates (kind of like another seemingly troubled young star we've see so much of lately, huh?) would be much better for her and socially acceptable. 

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But it's not like she's a heroin addict (although, it appeared she was attempting to pull off heroin chic at the MTV Movie Awards) or even snorting coke on occasion (as Lady Gaga has admitted to doing). As far as we know, she isn't suffering from an eating disorder like 75 percent of her peers or engaging in self-abuse. By comparison, recreational pot use looks oh-so-innocent.

And that said, KStew's confession that she's a "weirdo" who likes weed should really be no cause for concern. On the contrary, she deserves props for coming clean about enjoying something that's way too often overblown as a taboo vice.

Does Kristen Stewart's pot smoking shock or bother you?

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