5 Celebrities Who Are Almost Unrecognizable Without Their Fake Eyelashes (PHOTOS)

Not all of us are born with giant, Kardashian-esque lashes. In fact, the Kardashians weren't even born with giant, Kardashian-esque lashes. Most celebs, even when they're going for a natural look, sport false eyelashes or lash extensions 99 percent of the time we see them. And let me tell you, false lashes go a long way.

Check out these 5 celebs without their fake eyelashes. It's crazy what a big difference something so small makes.

Do you wear fake lashes ever?

Image via Splash

Eva Longoria


Eva Longoria is one of those celebs who you don't necessarily think "fake lashes!" when you look at her, but when you see her without them, there's a fairly big difference.

Eva is a gorgeous woman, regardless of what's on her eyes, but she could be the poster child for falsies.

Kelly Ripa


First off, wow, Kelly Ripa looks fantastic without makeup. But when she's primped and ready for LIVE With Kelly and Michael, her eyes pop so much more from her lash enhancements.

Julianne Moore


Another gorgeous celeb, but Julianne looks way different without false eyelashes. Women with fair skin and really light lashes to begin with reap the most benefits from eyelash extensions or the stick-on kind.

Kathy Griffin


Like Julianne, Kathy Griffin has very fair skin and naturally light lashes. It's a big difference, seeing the funny lady with fake lashes and without.

Katy Perry

Russell Brand/Twitter

Back when Katy was married to Russell Brand, he, rudely, posted a photo of his then-wife first thing in the morning, sans any makeup. The pic was quickly taken down, but not after it went viral. Oh, Internet.

Anyway, I don't think Katy looks all that different without makeup (she's just making a weird face), but the one noticeable thing is her lack of lashes. Katy's known for wearing HUGE fake lashes all the time, and, well, she just looks different without them. Cool story.