Psst, where do you keep your sex toys? Hidden away safe from the kids, right? Because there's this hysterical video of a toddler who found his mom's gigantic, wiggly dildo and well, you can just imagine. You HAVE to see it. The poor woman! So what are you supposed to say when your kid gets their mitts on your vibrator? "That is Mommy's special toy. It makes Mommy so happy, she has to play with it by herself. And no, she cannot share it with you. It's too special." Can you blame a kid? You have to admit, some sex toys do look an awful lot like kids' toys. Take a look at these!
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6FVHZfBTZY

Introducing the Ladygasm, which looks a lot like…
Computer mouse

A computer mouse! Granted, it's technically not a kids' toy. But you know they play with those things.
Jack Rabbit Stimulator

Good thing the Jack Rabbit vibrator doesn't really look like a rabbit. But it does resemble…
Water Gun

One of those plastic, transluscent water guns. "Mommy, why won't water come out of this thing?"

The Jimmyjane vibragor does look more like a bunny rabbit, or like something from…
Something From Kid Robot

Is this a new kind of non-smoking Labbit from Kid Robot? It's the molded silicon, I swear. Find this and your kids will start drawing on it with markers and asking you where the stickers are.
Magic Wand

I think we all know what the Magic Wand is for…
Toy Microphone

Don't be surprised if you see your kids belting out tunes with it.
Pocket Toyfriend

Perhaps this one is just a leeetle too discreet?

It looks just like toy lipstick.