5 Stages of Wondering How to Get Christie Brinkley’s Legs

Um. So. Christie Brinkley? She is 59 years old. 5.9. You know what that number is very, very close to? Sixty. The woman is practically in her 60s and her body is absolutely insane. Just look at her! Not only is she getting out of that car just as gracefully as can be, but she is redefining the little black dress. She looks amazing.

I mean — have you seen her legs?! I am not one to objectify the opposite sex, but I'm willing to make an exception for my own because DAMN. I kind of feel like Gollum behind a rock, being all "tells us your secrets, precious."

Short of a stretching machine, there's not a hell of a lot I can do to make sure I look like Christie when I'm 60. I'm not exactly beating myself up about it, because she is a supermodel who was once married to Billy Joel, so we all have our burdens. Ay-oh! Burn, Billy Joel.

It's kind of hard to verbalize just what exactly went through my head when I saw this photo. I tell you, it was a veritable cornucopia of emotions. One best described through an artful use of GIFS. Really it all amounted to thoughts I had wondering what exactly she does to still have legs that look like that. Here are 5 such thoughts.

1. Clearly She's Made a Deal With the Devil


I mean, right? Who else could fend off such evils as "time" and "nature"?

2. Maybe It's Squats?


I've heard good things about squats. If I started immediately and never stopped, maybe I'd look this good … in roughly 80 years?

3. Maybe She's Been Doing Kim Kardashian's Workouts?

kim kardashian

Even so, Kim don't look nearly as good!

4. Is She Wearing Magical Tights?

men in tights

No. Because magical tights are not a real thing.

5. She's probably just got good genes. Better eat all this cake.


Oh cake. You might not make me long and lean, but damned if you aren't delicious.

Do you think it's cool to show your skin no matter your age?

Image via Splash News