As much as you love your mom, it's very likely she's the one person who can get under your skin like no one else! And if that's the case, you are NOT alone. Now, there's even a hilarious Instagram account to prove it. Twenty-six-year-old Kate Siegel has been sharing many of her most frustrating, cringe-worthy, but altogether hilarious text convos with her mom via her Instagram account @CrazyJewishMom.
From rants about how her daughter could never own too many pairs of Spanx to play-by-plays of how she's attempting to make her a match on JDate (even though Kate already has a boyfriend, referred to only as "SuperJew"), Kate's mom has the Internet in stitches.
Of course, part of Crazy Jewish Mom's appeal is that she doesn't pull any punches. She implores her daughter to diet, work out, and be no more than a size 2, wear lots of sexy lingerie (so "SuperJew" will propose, of course!), and "go easy on the birthday cake." In turn, some followers plead with Kate in the comments not to listen to her extremely body-conscious mom.
Which begs the question: How does she genuinely react to some of her mother's most biting advice? "It really doesn't bother me!" she tells us. "She's a funny lady, and I think a lot of her humor and tone gets lost in translation."
Still, ever since Kate shared her first screenshots of iMessage banter with her mom, she had an audience asking for more "Crazy." "I just started sharing them on another account I have, and people seemed to find them as funny as I did!" she shares. "I thought, why not do a devoted account?"
(In case you were wondering, Crazy Jewish Mom knows her daughter is posting their texts, but Kate explains that her mom just doesn't really understand the Internet. Still, she stands by all of her advice and is thrilled to have a major platform from which to dispense it now!)
Obviously, many daughters can relate to the mother-daughter duo's eyebrow-raising, riotous back-and-forth. The most poignant moment for Kate so far? "One of my followers wrote me a message saying that our banter reminded her of her late mother, and that it made her smile," she says. Aww!
Ultimately, that's what she wants to achieve with her mom's texts. But even more than that, she says, "I hope they have a good laugh!"
Thus, we've compiled 10 of Crazy Jewish Mom's greatest hits. Check them out below, then tell us: What's the funniest text/most ridiculous text your mom has ever sent you?
Image via crazyjewishmom/Instagram
On Fashion Faux Pas

On Meeting Jerry Seinfeld

Who's on First?

On Makeup

On Ovaries

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, DON'T Make me a Match

The Wrong Side of 25

On Working Out

When At First You Don't Succeed ...

On 'Words With Friends'