Maybe you've heard of sipping champagne out of a stiletto, but cream of mushroom soup? Oddly enough, restaurants all over the world are serving food on and out of things that are definitely not plates or bowls; in fact, it's becoming so much of a trend that the backlash has spawned its own hashtag: #WeWantPlates!
We're not really sure when the restaurant world decided that regular old plates or glasses are suddenly too dull for the average diner, but these days you never know when your entrée or cocktail will show up in a shoe or some other random household item. In fact, we're not sure how we'd react if one of the, um, very original dishes featured in this slideshow showed up at our table!
Image via @simonraess/@WeWantPlates/Twitter
Gone to the Dogs

Even the most devoted pet-lover would likely take issue at this pawful presentation (yeah, we went there!). Not sure if (or why) the point was to make the meal inside this bowl look like dog food, but if so? Mission accomplished!
Hats Off

Did the kitchen run out of baskets? Was the waiter looking for new and clever ways to show off his jaunty hatwear collection? And let's just hope nobody wore this hat before (or after) dinner. #BreadHead
Soup's On (Your Toes!)

See, we weren't kidding about the cream of mushroom soup-in-a-stiletto thing. No word on whether patrons get to wear their "bowls" home after dinner (though we're guessing you'd have to double up on apps in order to get a matched pair).
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Faux Float

Sure, at first glance this looks like a delicious root beer float — but once you realize that's mashed potatoes on top instead of ice cream, things take a turn for the confusing. That's right, this is shepherd's pie … in a mug. Ugh?
Branching Out

To be perfectly honest, we're as perplexed by the actual food in this pic as we are by the whimsical, woodsy presentation: What's in the tiny cones? Are those other things eggs? Edible rocks? We may never know.
Clipboard Charcuterie

Because meat on a clipboard is one of the least appetizing things we can think of, we can only assume that this restaurant made a huge score at an office supplies sale. "We just saved hundreds on plates!!"
More from The Stir: 8 Restaurants That Serve Only 1 Food (PHOTOS)
What a Racket

These sporty plate substitutes probably don't do much to keep crumbs off the floor, but the tennis ball bottle holders are sort of adorable.
Oh My Galosh

What does a rain boot have in common with an ice bucket? Nothing as far as we can tell, which makes this wine bottle/wellie combo such a head-scratcher.
Bangers & Brains

Here's a tip for making sausage less than tempting: Stuff it into a skull to make it look like a bunch of messed-up brains. (Serve with LOTS of beer.)
Scale It Back

Does anybody really want to know how much their gigantic burger weighs before digging in? This just seems like bad marketing to us.
Tub Terror

It's like Barbie had some kind of crazy foodie fantasy involving bathing in a tub filled with foie gras and mushroom risotto. Barbie, you so cray!!
Bottle Service

Wine glasses are so, like, whatever. Wine glasses, pffft. Anybody can drink wine out of glasses. Drinking wine out of baby bottles, on the other hand? Only people who go to this restaurant can do that. (Actually, you could probably do it too — but why??)
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Pumped Up Kicks

Well, if we're gonna go crazy and eat soup out of stilettos (hmmm, isn't "soup in my stiletto" a line from a Katy Perry song??), we might as well eat stuff out of sneakers, too. That's just the kind of world we live in now, okay?
All Clogged Up

Seafood and clogs go together like … go together like … seafood and clogs. Which is to say, they don't technically go together at all.
Shovel It In

Funny thing: When you see something in a shovel, you kind of want to bury it, don't you? (More than you want to eat it, anyway.)
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