Being a woman is awesome, but it can also be extremely scary — and even dangerous at times. Every nine seconds, a woman in the US is assaulted or beaten. And, if that's not chilling, one in six US women have been victims of rape, or a rape attempt. Statistics like this are cringeworthy and could make you feel helpless.
While there's still work to be done concerning women, there are a few ways we can fight back and help protect ourselves. Here are some hidden self-defense accessories and wearables you might want to consider.
After all, it's always better to be safe than sorry, right?
Image via Booby Trap Bras
Knife sports bra

After Jennifer Cutrona was attacked while running on a jogging trail, the Texas mother knew she had to do something. Her Just In Case Knife Bra ($54.99, boobytrapbras.com) enables women to enjoy a run with extra protection — thanks to a small sheath that can safely hold a knife.
More from The Stir: Nonviolent Sexual Assaults: Why Women Need to Take Them Seriously
Personal alarm

Personal alarms can do so much to keep you safe. Should you ever need help in an unthinkable situation, Athena Safety Jewelry ($79, roarforgood.com) will not only sound the alarm (no, it's loud), but it will send a distress message to your loved ones and emergency contacts. The lightweight clip-on accessory even has a SilentROAR option to alert people in secret.
Lipstick pepper spray

No one will want to mess with you if you have this SABRE Red Pepper Spray ($7.35, amazon.com) in your purse. Technically, you can't (or shouldn't) apply it to your lips, but you'll definitely get the upper hand.
Kitty personal safety keychain

Meow. Keep on thinking cat lovers are soft. You just might get your eye gouged out. When you put your fingers through the eyes of this Cat Personal Safety Keychain ($7.63, amazon.com), it quickly turns into a serious weapon.
More from The Stir: 10 Products Every Overly Paranoid Mom Needs (PHOTOS)
Keychain stun gun

Good things come in small packages — and this Keychain Stun Gun ($19.95, amazon.com) is one of 'em. Seriously, who would ever think a person would have a stun gun on their key chain? Anyone thinking about coming after you better watch out.
Hidden pocket knife

Some people would like to carry a little extra protection without calling a ton of attention to themselves. This Guardman Key Knife ($8.99, amazon.com) is something that's really unexpected — and will blend in with other keys on your key ring.
Pepper spray bracelet

Sometimes, you don't have time to react — nor the seconds you need to shuffle through your purse goodies and pray you find what you need. This makes the wearable Pink Little Viper ($19.99, littleviper.com), a pepper spray bracelet, a godsend that can keep you safe without getting up close and personal.
More from The Stir: Pepper Spray: It's Not Just for Dinner Anymore
High heels

Ladies, you already own one of the best weapons you'll ever need. All you need to do is look inside your closet. High-heel self-defense classes are very real and teach women how to evade attackers. #GameOver
Stealth comb knife

You mean we get to have our knife and comb, too?! This lightweight Stealth Comb Knife ($5, selfdefenseproducts.com) is perfect for your purse. Not only are you able to keep your 'do together, but you can whip out a blade should you need it.
Pepper spray sports bra

Your pepper spray will rest front and center of your sports bra. The Just In Case Pepper Spray Bra ($49.99, boobytrapbras.com) will make your next fitness outing even more safe.
More from The Stir: Self-Defense: The One Move Every Woman Needs to Know
iPhone pepper spray

This phone cover offers double protection! This Pepper Spray Case for iPhone ($24.02, amazon.com) is outfitted with defensive spray to keep you extra safe while talking, texting, or exercising with some tunes.