Summer is coming to an end and it's time to get in those last few beach days. However, while you're enjoying the last of the sunny weather with your kids, it's important to remember one thing: Absolutely no bikinis! Once you're a mom, it is your duty to be covered at all times. It's not like moms can just go around looking sexy like childless women can. Here are 8 very valid* reasons why mom's can't wear bikinis.
*We are being 100% sarcastic, by the way.
1. Your kids will definitely be embarrassed to be seen with you.

"The way I look doesn't change the way I parent and the values I instill in my children," wrote body-positive Instagrammer and mother Allison Kimmey alongside this fierce pic.
"So let's shift the focus from only the physical and what we can SEE, and begin raising children that don't measure someone's worth (including their own) by the way they look in order to raise a generation of confident, body positive and compassionate children."
More from CafeMom: 9 Things Moms Should 'Never' Wear or Even Try
2. You'll be so worried about what you look like, it will be impossible to actually have fun.

Because Tess Holliday's big smile and giant pink flamingo are definitely not indicators of a good time.
3. Aren't you worried about attracting too much male attention??

Didn't you know that moms aren't allowed to be sexy? Not at all. Ever.
4. It's impossible to be a good role model to your children in a revealing swimsuit.

Because it's only common logic that how you look is a direct reflection of what kind of parent you are.
More from CafeMom: 6 Reasons Plus-Size Women Will Never Look Good in Bikinis
5. None of the other moms you know would ever wear a bikini.

It's very uncommon.
6. You must NEVER let the world see your stretch marks.

In honor of her stretch marks, this mom wrote on Instagram:
"Stretch marks, I used to hate them. Seal showed us that scars are beautiful. They tell a story. They are unique. My scar story is that I carried 6 babies in my body. That's 4 and a half years of my life I spent pregnant. How can I possibly hate myself for that?"
7. How will you be able to relax knowing that something could pop out at any moment?

Imagine what people would think! Gasp!
8. Don't even think about showing off your tattoos!

Moms with tattoos?! What?!
More from CafeMom: 15 Things Tattooed Moms Are Tired of Hearing