Boobs are like snowflakes. No two are the same, even if they're on the same person's body. Some are perky, and some aren't, and some are in between. And some used to be perky but aren't because, duh, life. But for some downright silly reason, the media only portrays one kind of boob as "desirable." Challenging that notion is the mission of blogger Chidera Eggerue and her campaign that's taking social media by storm.
Since July 2017, Eggerue has been posting photos of herself braless and unapologetic, with equally unapologetic captions, for a campaign she dubbed #SaggyBoobsMatter.

"Saggy boobs are underrepresented," she told BuzzFeed. "Being underrepresented makes you feel alien to society. This fosters insecurities in people who don’t have the mental strength to see value in themselves beyond other people's standards."
The hashtag is a riff off of the well-known intersectional political and civil rights movement #BlackLivesMatter, which makes sense since it's a call to both organize and bring attention to those underrepresented. But using a spin-off of the slogan for other movements tends to create some backlash, as many would argue that it detracts from the urgency of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, even when well-intentioned.
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As a teen, she first noticed the underrepresentation when bra shopping "made [her] realize that something is wrong with the way the world views women's bodies," she said.

She noticed only white women with perky breasts would be featured in the photos and ads, and she didn't look the same when she wore something.
On her blog, she elaborated how these films, campaigns, and music videos are almost always directed by men who objectify women's bodies in a way that's insidious to young girls seeing those very films.
"If I had seen women with saggy boobs being glorified for their beauty, I wouldn't have developed a complex as a very young teenager," she wrote. At a young age, she resented her own breasts, wanting to save up her money for a boob job — that is, until she grew tired of hating her body.
"I decided I'd had enough and made the choice to stop wearing a bra."
Other women must have felt similarly, because her story inspired many to share their own images of their saggy boobs.

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And each photo couldn't have been more beautifully different from the last.

Women (and boobs) of all shapes and sizes got in on the fun.

And really showed just how amazing our bodies are.

Many also noted how there hasn't been a movement like this one before.

Some of these women have even told Eggerue that her movement has helped them accept their postpartum bodies. " … That, for me, is so important because the people who are being hateful towards this movement have conveniently forgotten that a large majority of them were breastfed on saggy boobs," she told BuzzFeed.
Amen to that.
As one final message to anyone out there who criticizes saggy boobs: "They're literally gland sacks. And they're actually pretty awesome. Shout-out to my boobs," she wrote.

Shimmy to that!