Lately on Instagram, supermodel Ashley Graham has been blessing us with stunning photos of her posing in her equally stunning Swimsuits For All swimsuit collection. Her latest photo is not only inspiring us to want to go swimsuit shopping, it's inspiring us to love our "imperfections" (specifically our thighs and legs) just the way they are.
On Sunday, Graham posted a untouched photo of herself on the beach in a black and white one-piece -- and with her cellulite on full display.

"New suit — who dis?" her post's caption read.
And we have to admit, she is looking fierce AF.
People immediately rejoiced over the "realness" of her photo.

In this day and age, it's the norm for the media to photoshop bodies until they're so smooth that any dimple or mark on our own skin can make us feel "flawed." This makes Graham's honest photo all the more refreshing.
Seeing her totally work her butt dimples helped other women fall in love with their own.

Women are often expected to have slim hips and legs, even though shouldn't we be grateful for having strong legs that are able to take us from point A to point B?

One woman called Graham's photo "so empowering" -- and we wouldn't disagree.

Keep doing your thing, girl!
And keep sharing those incredible swimsuit pics!