Looking to shed a few pounds before the holidays? Then might we suggest *not* following the insane diet that a user on Twitter found in an old issue of Vogue Magazine. To say that the diet is restrictive would be an understatement, but really, there might not be a way to get through this diet of mostly wine and hard-boiled eggs without sending a few regrettable text messages and probably passing out by noon.
Twitter user Chaeronea posted the diet online, where she rightly commented that this was most likely a fast-track to not feeling so hot.

So let's get this straight: you get to drink wine in the morning, afternoon, and evening?! At first glance, any diet that recommends a full bottle of wine per day sounds fabulous — except that it's balanced with hard-boiled eggs and coffee.
The diet comes from the Vogue Body and Beauty Book, which was written by Bronwen Meredith in 1977.

According to the City Pages, the book is supposed to be a compendium of health and beauty advice written in partnership with British Vogue, but with chapters such as "Limbs" and "Crash Diets," we're pretty sure most of this advice deserves to stay in the past.
The "Wine and Egg" diet was part of the "Crash Diets" section and promises to help you lose 5 pounds in three days. Sure, because all you're spending most of your day …. not eating.
Naturally, the internet found the diet hilarious and many people were ready to go all in on the wine-heavy plan.

Although others were confused on the specifics of the diet. Why hard-boiled eggs over poached? Why Chablis over chardonnay?

But mostly people commented on the REAL effects of only eating proteins, coffee, and wine all day long.

If you're wondering, yes, you will be taking in calories. As long as you're fine with half of them coming from wine

The Daily Meal asked registered dietitian Julie Stefanski, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, what she thought of the plan, and her thought were less than complimentary.
“If an intermittent fasting regimen went on a drinking binge in a henhouse, you’d pretty much have this diet,” she told them. "This random menu (I don’t even want to call it a diet) provides 1,103 calories (by her estimation) with 43 percent of those calories coming from the alcohol calories in the wine!” And although wine is delicious, Stefanski explained that there aren't many nutrients in a bottle of vino (nope, grapes sadly don't count).
She said that 1,103 calories is actually not enough calories for an adult to live on. Instead, it "is roughly the amount needed by a 1-year-old baby." And babies can't have wine, so what good is this diet anyway?
And if we still haven't convinced you that eating wine and eggs all day is a capital B, Bad Idea, this person explains that the results won't last.

Hannah Sayle from the City Pages tried the fad diet for *science* and after three miserable days of being tipsy and hungry (though technically a couple of pounds slimmer) she wrote that "within three days I gain it all back."
And Diane McMartin from The Kitchn also tried to plan, but she noticed that the diet had a seriously negative impact on her mental health.
"Maybe it was the wine, or maybe the lack of food, but I legit felt sad by the end of the day. Weepy, even. Like, as I was sitting in bed reading, waiting until it was acceptable to go to sleep because I was so exhausted, and I could have burst into tears at any moment," she wrote.
The bottom line is that no fad diet is going to bring you miracle weight loss. So let's let this crash diet fade into the past like a misguided fashion trend and or a terrible haircut.