When people see nearly 2-year-old Mehlani, the first thing they notice are her big, beautiful eyes her mom Karina Martinez told BuzzFeed News. What they can't see (or possibly know by looking at her) is that this sweet toddler actually has Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, a rare condition that impacts the development of her eyes.
Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome mainly affects the cornea and the iris (the colored part of the eye). It can often make it appear "misshapen."
Extra holes in the iris can occur that make it look like there's more than one pupil, or the pupil may be off-center.
Melhani, like about half of those with the syndrome, also has glaucoma, which is internal pressure inside the eye. All of this can make her eyes appear larger, and could sadly lead to blindness — but that can be prevented with surgery.
The condition and its appearance pose an odd situation for her mother, who wrote about on Twitter.
She further lamented in her thread:
I get so nervous thinking about her starting school. What if other kids are mean about her eyes & she gets made fun of? What if she starts to hate her unique gorgeous eyes? It makes me want to cry thinking about it because she’s so strong & sweet & been through so much already.
Thankfully, most interactions have been positive.
"The first time a stranger noticed her eyes and made a comment, it was of course nice knowing others appreciate her beauty, but I also felt conflicted because that meant others also noticed something different about her eyes & that just sent me straight into protective mama mode and for me thinking about her future, and how she’ll be approached about her eyes," Martinez told CafeMom. "I still have these same feelings anytime there’s a comment being made about her, but the first few times where definitely a little more emotional."
And both Mehlani and Martinez are feeling the love.
Here's to hoping this little nugget always appreciates her unique beauty.