20 Mother’s Day Cards That Absolutely Nail How We Feel About Our Mamas

We love that there's a holiday devoted to celebrating the people who are our first loves — and who devote themselves so completely to raising us. Moms are amazing, after all. They keep families together and spend their days working harder than anybody — and whether or not they work outside the home, they never get a raise doing the job that matters most to them. 

And while they don't bandage our wounds and teach us to ride bikes for the praise (and certainly not for the money), it's important to show our moms how much we care about them, and that their sacrifices and hard work don't go unnoticed. Moms spend most of the year doing amazing things for the people they love, and they deserve to a day (and maybe a gift) that really honors them. 

So while it's important to show appreciation for the mothers in our lives year-round, it's nice to take a special day out once a year to show the moms we love how we really feel about them. We love the opportunity to treat mom to a delicious brunch, a mimosa (or three), and share in the joy of celebrating the people who make our lives great. 

So although we love Mother's Day, what we don't love is not knowing how to express all of our love that easily. When it comes to saying how we feel, we'll admit that it can be a challenge. That's where the traditional Mother's Day card comes in. For those of us who have a hard time expressing ourselves, a great Mother's Day card helps us not only show mom what she means to us, but tell her, too. (And for a little help figuring out what to write inside, we've done a bit of research there, too.) 

Whether mom is the kind of lady who taught us how to fold a fitted sheet perfectly (a gene that may have skipped a generation) or the type who just has to put up with the fact that she was born a muggle, we've found the perfect card. 

To My Mother, My Best Friend


This card really says everything. To the woman who taught us the meaning of friendship and love, we can tell her how we really feel. We love the beautiful, delicate rose gold foil — perfect for Mother's Day.

Mom Was Right About Everything


Look, she already knows this, but sometimes it's nice to have it confirmed. Mom really was right about everything.

A Heartfelt Thank-You


Forgive us if we get a little choked up over this one. It's just so sweet (and so true).

In Awe


How do they do it? Moms are just amazing, and their magic is never more apparent than in their ability to fold a fitted sheet, something most of us just end up clumping together willy-nilly.

Mom Holds Everything Together


How incredibly cute is this card made out of real wood. And it's the truth — moms really are the glue (or buttons!) of the family. Plus, it's possible to send a personalized message to be laser engraved inside. How cool is that?

My Guiding Light


For the mom who has always guide their little chickadees every step of the way, this is the perfect card.

Classic Mom Advice


The classic mom advice that's honestly just excellent human advice: Don't follow the pack blindly, and don't go jumping off a cliff just because all the other kids are doing it. What's better for a mom to hear than that we finally learned what she's been trying to teach us all these years? This is the perfect way to say thanks.

Mom-ing Is Freaking Hard


So true. Being a mom is super freaking hard, and it's nice — no, frankly, it's necessary! — when it's acknowledged.

You Helped Me


The card to say "thank you" for everything. Mothers are always proud of their kids, and it's always nice to be acknowledged for their hand in making it all happen.

Koala Mama Love


How absolutely precious is this little koala illustration! Plus, the message is so true. Moms sacrifice so much, and it's so nice to be recognized.

Thanks for Putting Up With Me!


Some moms have to deal with more than others. If this mom has had a lot to handle, this is the right card.

Born to a Muggle Family


For Harry Potter families, this card offers basically the best compliment a mother could possibly receive. While it may not be Hogwarts, mom makes it a home.

Sorry About Your Pelvic Floor


For moms with an exceptionally good sense of humor (even if it has some side effects), this is the ideal card.

I Appreciate Your Awesomeness


This is the card for moms to give to their own moms — now that they can fully relate to all the ups and downs.

My Unbiological Mom


For mother figures who absolutely rock, this is the exact card to show them a little (much-deserved) appreciation.

It's Not Easy Being a Mom


Dads only wish they were built tough enough to be a mom. This is a great card for acknowledging mom's strength.

I Would Walk Across Legos for You


From one partner in the unbearable pain that is Lego-stepping to another. Anyone with a mini engineer in the house knows the kind of sacrifice that's being offered in this card.

Grammar Mama


Moms who teach their kids to be grammar nerds deserve a special kind of thanks this Mother's Day. Give them the card that shows their lessons have been taken to heart.

Thank You for Everything


Sometimes keeping it simple is the best solution. This card showcases exactly how we feel, saying it as simply as possible.

The Mom Everyone Wishes They Had


The card for the mom who's a great mom to everyone. Some moms just have this special gift.

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