We've all been a part of the bridal party where the bride is very particular about how everyone looks. Sure, asking everyone to wear the same dress or do their makeup a certain way is sort of reasonable, but when it comes to demanding that your bridesmaids wear their hair at a certain length — well, that might just make you a b-word: bridezilla. Just ask one woman who decided to get a pixie cut. When she shared the news with her future sister-in-law, the bride-to-be was upset that the woman had cut her hair before her big day.
The drama started when the woman wanted to cut her long hair before her sister-in-law's wedding.

As she explained on Reddit, she had been growing her hair for years. Because it had grown past her butt, the writer knew it was time for a change. She decided to go for a pixie style. " I cut so much of it because I donated to an organization called Wigs For Kids," she explained. "They make wigs for free for children with cancer and alopecia."
The writer said she loves her new haircut — "it's been such a confidence booster" — but was floored when an Instagram photo of her new 'do didn't get rave reviews from her sister-in-law. The writer is going to be in her SIL's wedding in June and her new pixie was not what the woman had been imagining. "I later get a text from her saying I should have asked before I cut all that hair off as she doesn't think it'll match her extremely feminine designs/decorations," the writer noted. "I'm in her wedding party and now will stand out from her and the other girls (they all have long hair too), and wishes I had waited just a month to cut it."
"I literally didn't know how to respond," she continued. "I've never been in a wedding before and I've never been married, so is this normal? Should I have asked her before making such a dramatic physical appearance change?" she asked.
People online told the writer that this simply was not her problem.
One person thought the bride had her priorities messed up. "I don’t understand the bridezilla impulse to try to control your wedding party’s appearance, but you should be asking people to be in the wedding party because they’re important to you, not because they’re aesthetically pleasing," one person wrote in the comments.
And someone else told her she should not apologize. "Bridesmaids don’t sign away their right to be themselves, hair included," the person wrote and advised the bride write back, 'If you’d prefer the short haired version of me not be in your wedding, that’s cool. Just let me know ASAP. ' do not apologize for anything!!"
"It's your hair and you can do with it what you want," someone else wrote. "She wants her wedding to be perfect and is feeling a lot of stress about it even if it doesn't show."
But some people thought she should have asked first before making the chop.
"I understand where she's coming from," one person wrote. "I keep my hair long because I dislike non-feminine haircuts on most women. I wouldn't have wanted someone with short hair in my wedding party.
Though another person agreed that the writer wasn't wrong for wanting to cut her hair, "I personally (and probably some others) would have asked first. People think differently though so hopefully she'll understand that and realize that you didn't have to ask, it just would have been nice to," the person commented.
"I mean she's being dramatic, but I sort of get wanting things to look uniform," wrote someone else.
And a third person thought the writer should have waited a little bit longer. "It sounds like you and your sister-in-law aren’t very close," they person commented. "I’m sure she sees this as you making a big hair reveal on her big day. She’s stressed out and obsessing over dumb stuff like everyone does for their wedding. You knew you’d getting attention from the cut, sounds like it’s been a nice ego boost 🙂 so what was the harm in waiting until after the wedding?"
The writer later shared that she and her SIL talked it out and came to an understanding.
In an update to her post, she shared that the two met for dinner and talked. "Neither of us are upset, she just said she had a bad day (caterer canceled on her) so my hair was another unexpected surprise related to her wedding and she did overreact," she wrote. And more importantly, her SIL now loves her new haircut. "She's sure it'll look just as great in the floral headbands still. We're all okay now, thanks everyone for the advice :)"
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.