I've never appreciated labels in the figurative or literal sense. Personally, designer bags, shoes, and their like have never been enough to grab my attention. For me, I go with what I like … I don't really care if it comes from a posh store. Of course, there is something to be said for quality, but in my life where the fanciest place I am probably going is Red Robin at 4 p.m. with my kiddo, I really don't need the topest-tiered item.
Admittedly I also kind of get a special thrill when I'm complimented on some part of my outfit and I get to say it's from a really economic store.
Yeah Karen, my bag is from Target and is cuter than your $400 Coach purse. Take that!
Which is why I am obsessed with these simple but super stylish flats from Walmart.
At a whopping $15 these shoes pair perfectly with any work or play outfit. With a comfy memory foam insole and sizes ranging from a 6-11, there is a 98% chance you'll find a flat that works for you.
Time and Tru ($14.97, Walmart)
The flats come in four colors.
There are two solid colors (black and burgundy) and two patterned pieces (plaid and leopard print). All four easily transition from day to night, and at that price, it's worth getting all four.
But the most delightful thing about them? When compared to other higher-priced brands, it's pretty hard to tell the difference.
On the left, you have the $15 shoe. On the right? Nordstrom is selling a similar style for nearly $90. Both are adorable, and if you want to treat yourself, absolutely no judgement here.
All I am saying is for $75 less, you could be rocking nearly the same shoe.
So if you're into spending $90-ish on a pair of shoes, why not get four pairs for about the same price?
Happy shopping!
Psst: If purchasing an item on this list, CafeMom may receive a small cut. Each item and price is up to date at the time of publication; however, an item may be sold out or the price may be different at a later date.