When parents learn that their child lives on the LGBTQ spectrum, it’s a pivotal moment for them. It’s a chance for parents to show their support for what might be the most important factor of their kid’s identity. We hear too many stories of ill-informed parents or parents lacking in understanding, shunning their children because of an identity that’s counter to their own cisgender heterosexuality. This article isn’t about those relationships specifically, but our hearts go out to those families in distress. Rather, this is about parents celebrating their LGBTQ children and even standing with them through their struggles for equal representation under the law — because what these kids need, no matter how young or old, is our support.
Getting a permanent symbol of pride via a tattoo is definitely one way a parent can show solidarity with a child. It’s by no means a done deal after the ink is dried, but it’s nevertheless an incredibly meaningful gesture for kids to see, as well as a daily reminder for the parent as to what is important. With that, we’ve found tattoos showing pride in all sorts of interesting ways. From pride flags on the ear to the ankle, there’s an excellent symbol of pride for whatever part of the body parents are looking to show their pride on (ideally a place everyone can see). Take a look through the list for some serious inspiration regarding LGBTQ pride tattoos.
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Here to Hear Stories of Pride

This ear tattoo is an excellent way to wear pride openly without it being tacky or overbearing. Unfortunately, this piece’s artist is unknown, but it’s an incredible work nevertheless. A tattoo like this will give mothers a reason to pull their hair back and fathers to cut their hair extra short.
Pride Is a Lifeline for Many

This super subtle but unique and impactful piece comes from InkFlows Tattoo Lounge in South Korea. We’re not 100% sure of the tattoo’s messaging, being an explicitly straight line, but it’s an original design that communicates pride.
The Pride Flag Goes Minimalist

Speaking of lines, here’s another take on that concept that communicates the pride flag in a subtle but compelling way. This piece comes from Megan Boyle, a tattoo artist based in Connecticut. We love how thin the lines are, but the stark colors make the entire piece seem much fuller than it is.
The Most Subtle Tattoo Brimming With Pride

If the straight line and flag adaptation were minimalist, then we don’t even know what to call this one. However, what we do know is that it’s somehow an incredibly evocative piece inked by Marcela Ishicava in São Paulo, Brazil — that clearly makes for an excellent matching tattoo.
A Beautiful Reminder To Be Yourself

Here’s a more traditional pride flag, rendered in bold and beautiful color by Trần Lê Tiểu Long of Vietnam, paired with a simple but poignant phrase: Be yourself. What is almost a canned phrase parents say to their kids seems takes on new meaning here, showing pride in kids willing to be themselves in spite of adversity.
More from CafeMom: 20 Simple but Powerful ‘Mom’ Tattoos
Pride Makes a Big Splash

This is an incredibly interesting take on the pride flag, inked by a Scottish artist known simply as Noemi. We not only adore the quality of the coloring and line work, but we also love the feeling we’re getting from the piece. To us, the tattoo’s major theme is that gender and orientation are fluid, and that alone is enough to be proud of.
Stepping Forward With Pride

This tattoo was inked by a Lithuanian artist named Nikita on Instagram, and we love the subtlety. The pride flag becomes a badge of honor to be worn, clearly seen when wearing shorts with low-cut socks and shoes. This is again proof that tattoos can be small but still demand attention.
A Phrase Everyone Needs To Hear

Here’s a take on the pride flag that combines an all-too important albeit related message: Be free. Inked by a South American artist named Camilo Franco, the line work is simply fantastic, as is the coloring. It’s one of the most liberating tattoos we’ve seen, which is what we should be instilling in our kids regardless of where they land.
A Heart Filled With Pride

Here’s another simple but effective piece of ink, though we don’t know who is responsible for this beauty. The color and dot work here are on point, and it’s crystal clear exactly what’s being communicated. This piece makes sense for parents for its simplicity and boldness.
A Rainbow for LGTBQ Rights

This is another piece that’s right on the money regarding what it stands for, created by Nina Bogo of Brazil. Sure, it may look a little like the Reading Rainbow logo, but it’s absolutely obvious what this represents in this day and age. It’s another subtle way for parents to show solidarity.
It's Time To Be Seen

Here’s a take on pride colors that includes an incredibly important message: visibility. The artist responsible is unknown, but this tattoo isn’t any less pertinent. The time is well overdue for the LGBTQ community to be seen in every regard, particularly through public policy and discourse.
Bravely Make a Splash

We enjoy this piece, whose artist is unknown, for what its owner had to say about it regarding the word “courage” on Instagram: “It’s to have the courage to live an authentic life where I stay true to myself …” That’s a message that plenty of people in the LGBTQ community surely need.
A Proud Lotus

We love the color on this piece and the immediate sense of calm it delivers. Inked by Ricardo Arteiro of São Paolo in Brazil, it’s an incredibly expressive tattoo. Something we just have to note is just how much happier the man wearing the tattoo looks after getting inked, based on his Instagram feed.
Love Is Life & Love Is Love

Love is the essential human connection we all seek in life, and as such it should be honored as a cornerstone of the LGBTQ movement. This tattoo captures that and themes likely even more personal. We have Miky Daddiego to thank for this expressive piece of ink.
A Heartwarming Symbol of Solidarity

We’re not sure of any further meaning found in this one, but we just adore the line and color work throughout. Inked by a South Londoner named simply Charlie on Instagram, we love the sheer style out of this tattoo.
When There's Not Much Room for a Pride Tattoo

We love this piece for its incredible ingenuity, finding a space to show pride where there seems to be little left on this particular tattoo lover. The artist responsible for this beauty, Danelle Wulc of Long Beach, California, seems understand this well, putting together a fantastic and evocative visual in such a confined space.
The Freedom of Pride

There’s no doubt that being open and proud isn’t without struggle, but it also must feel liberating to no longer hide anything from the world. This piece looks as light as, well, a feather. The tattoo works on both literal and figurative levels.
The Year To Remember

This is another admirable piece, thanks largely to its versatility. This could be a birth year, the year of someone’s coming out, or something even more personal themed with pride. We can thank tattooist Sam Keeley in Nottingham, England, for this inspiration.
Any Other Questions?

Here’s a piece that makes the simplest of statements about the right side to stand on when it comes to any questions of orientation. This should be all that needs to be said, so it’s up to us to normalize LGBTQ topics however possible, such as through a strongly stated piece by artist Sam Taylor of Norwich, England.
Pride Is Power

We especially like this tattoo because it not only promotes pride but it also clearly promotes fighting for LGBTQ rights, for which there is still plenty left to do. Thanks to artist Brisa Nenhuma of Brazil for instilling the rebel spirit that’s a necessary part of pride.