Parenting is exhausting. There's no easy way around it — having kids is tiring. While everyone recognizes that having a newborn is hard (with the middle-of-the-night feedings and diaper changes), having an older child can be just as overwhelming. It's no surprise that moms feel like they only survive the day because of copious amounts of coffee!
If this sounds like you, or someone you know, you need these shirts. These T-shirts will explain to everyone who sees you why you're so tired all the time. Check out some of the funniest and cutest shirts below!
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1. Tired As A Mother
Every tired mom knows what it feels like to be "tired as a mother." This T-shirt comes in a variety of colors and sizes, which makes it perfect for all sorts of moms!
2. I Need A Double Shot...
Are you constantly amazed (and frustrated) that your kids never seem to run out of energy? This "I Need A Double Shot Of Whatever My Kids Are On" T-shirt is perfect for you!
3. Already Tired Tomorrow
Some days are so exhausting that even getting a good night's sleep won't fix it. If you know that feeling all too well, you need this "Already Tired Tomorrow" T-shirt!
4. Momster
Do you turn into an absolute monster when your kids don't listen to you? There's a shirt for that. This shirt explains exactly what a "Momster" is: "What happens to Mom after she counts to 3."
5. I Looked Up My Symptoms...
As a mom, it's not unusual to feel so run down that you're convinced you're getting sick. Then, of course, you remember that it's not a cold — you just have kids.
6. I Am Not An Early Bird...
Moms need a lot of sleep, but they rarely get it. This "I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon" T-shirt is perfect for moms who never get enough sleep.
7. I'm As Tired As My Face Looks
Most moms are accustomed to being told, "Wow, you look tired." Usually, they just roll their eyes and say, "Yeah, I am tired," but now your shirt can say it for you!
8. Super Mom
This "Super Mom, Super Wife, Super Tired" is the perfect shirt for every mom who does it all — and then some. And because Super Moms come in every shape and size, so does this shirt!
9. Momsomnia
After getting the kids fed, bathed, and put to bed, you finally lie down and close your eyes. Even though you're exhausted, you just can't fall asleep. Sound familiar? It's momsomnia!
10. Mama Needs Coffee
This shirt tells it like it is. It's short, sweet, and to the point: Mama needs coffee. Every mom who survives on caffeine alone needs this shirt in their closet.
11. Mombie
Moms often walk around (or run around, if they're chasing their kids) feeling like zombies. If that's the case for you, you need this Mombie shirt. What's a Mombie? "A sleep deprived supermom who feeds on caffeine and survives on sticky kisses and messy smiles. Mombies are master multi-taskers and suck it uppers."
12. She Believed She Could...
This hilarious shirt is a play on the line, "She believed she could, so she did." Instead, this one says, "She believed she could, but she was really tired, so she didn't" — a statement every mom can relate to.
13. May Your Coffee Be Stronger Than Your Toddler
As cute as toddlers can be (and boy, are they cute), they're also sassy little monsters. They have strong personalities and big attitudes, and there's only one hope for survival: coffee.
14. I Don't Rise And Shine...
While people without kids may "rise and shine" in the morning, moms don't have that luxury. Instead, they "caffeinate and hope for the best."
15. I'm So Tired
This Mommy & Me shirt and onesie combo is perfect for babies who have way too much energy and moms who have no energy at all. Plus, it would be so cute in a photo!