As the worldwide health issue continues, we have been stocking up on essential supplies to help keep ourselves and our family healthy. At the beginning of the issue back in March, hand sanitizers quickly sold out as experts said one of the best ways to keep healthy was to have clean hands. As we were encouraged to wash our hands often, and use hand sanitizer when we didn't have access to a sink, the need for the product skyrocketed.
As the need for hand sanitizers grew, more companies started production to meet the demand. But not all products are made equal — not even hand sanitizers — and using a product with dangerous ingredients can have consequences.
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning about using hand sanitizers that contain certain ingredients, particularly methanol. The FDA has issued a list of hand sanitizers containing methanol, also called ethyl alcohol. The list is growing.
Blumen Clear Advanced Hand Sanitizer

Several hand sanitizers have been recalled after the FDA warned consumers the products were toxic. CNN reports the FDA warned of an increase in hand sanitizers containing toxic chemicals, specifically ones containing methanol, which is sometimes called wood alcohol.
MODESA Instant Hand Sanitizer Moisturizers and Vitamin E

Methanol has been found in several hand sanitizers sold in the US. These products tested positive for "potentially poisonous methanol contamination — which can be life-threatening if ingested," CNN reported.
Klar & Danver Instant Hand Sanitizer

This type of alcohol in hand sanitizers doesn't need to be ingested in order to be potentially harmful, Today reported. Methanol can enter the body's systems through the skin. So, people who are using hand sanitizer containing this product are unknowingly exposing themselves to potentially serious harm.
Hello Kitty by Sanrio Hand Sanitizer

But there have also been cases of people ingesting hand sanitizer — both adults and children. And that's dangerous for typical hand sanitizer, but even more so for hand sanitizers that contain methanol. CNN reported that these hand sanitizers have been linked to several incidents throughout the US.
Assured Instant Hand Sanitizer Vitamin E and Aloe

Several states have reported hospitalizations. Some people have gone blind as a result, and both adults and children have died from drinking hand sanitizer, the FDA reports.
LumiSkin Advance Hand Sanitizer

Wood alcohol, including methanol, is used in fuel production and antifreeze, Today reported. Exposure, including ingestion or use on the skin, has been known to cause several symptoms that include dizziness, nausea, headaches, and even coma, seizures, and death, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
QualitaMed Hand Sanitizer

On July 6, 2020, the FDA issued a statement to warn consumers about hand sanitizers that contain the dangerous alcohol. At that time, it listed 14 products that have tested positive for containing methanol and are hopeful people will steer clear of those products.
Earth's Amenities Instant Unscented Hand Sanitizer

"Methanol is not an acceptable ingredient for hand sanitizers and should not be used due to its toxic effects," the release said. "Consumers who have been exposed to hand sanitizer containing methanol should seek immediate treatment, which is critical for potential reversal of toxic effects of methanol poisoning."
All-Clean Hand Sanitizer

The statement warned that those at greatest risk of injury or harm from the dangerous hand sanitizers are young children. "Although all persons using these products on their hands are at risk, young children who accidentally ingest these products and adolescents and adults who drink these products as an alcohol (ethanol) substitute, are most at risk for methanol poisoning," the release added.
The Good Gel Antibacterial Gel Hand Sanitizer

On July 9, 2020, the FDA issued another statement to let consumers know that it had added additional hand sanitizer products to the list. The agency says that nearly all of these brands are manufactured in Mexico and not in the United States.
Grupo Insoma Hand Sanitizer Gel

As of July 9, 2020, the agency has listed 55 products that contain the dangerous ingredient that are deemed unsafe for consumers. The FDA urges any consumers that have been exposed to hand sanitizer that contains methanol to seek treatment immediately.
Andy's Best

The FDA also recommend consumers stop using the toxic hand sanitizer products immediately and to dispose of them in appropriate hazardous waste containers. It notes that under no circumstances should the methanol-containing hand sanitizers be flushed down a toilet or poured down a drain.
Optimus Lubricants Instant Hand Sanitizer

According to the agency's release, there are certain guidelines consumers should be aware of when purchasing hand sanitizers. It advises against purchasing hand sanitizers that look like they could be candy, drinks, or liquor bottles as it may confuse children into thinking they are safe for consumption.
Bersih Hand Sanitizer Gel

On top of that, the agency says consumers should not buy hand sanitizers that claim to prevent the spread of viruses or any claims that they provide protection for long periods of time. As well, any hand sanitizer that claims to be "FDA approved" are unsafe, as there aren't any FDA-approved hand sanitizers on the market.
What to Look for in Hand Sanitizers

Consumers should look for a product that contains at least 60% alcohol — but 100% is not ideal either, because it also needs to include some water. Most hand sanitizers are made primarily of either ethyl alcohol (ethanol) or isopropyl alcohol — and any hand sanitizer that lists methanol, ethyl alcohol, or wood alcohol in the ingredients should be avoided.