Brie Larson went on BBC to discuss her new movie but all people could focus on was her boobs

Brie Larson is an Oscar-winning actress, accomplished director, and highly-principled award presenter. (Seriously, not clapping for Casey Affleck was iconic.) But on a recent TV appearance, all anyone could focus on was her boobs.

Larson recently appeared on the BBC's The One Show to promote her new film "Kong: Skull Island."

Larson and her co-stars Tom Hiddleston and Samuel L Jackson discussed the "Godzilla" prequel, where Larson plays an enterprising female reporter.

And yes, Larson wore a low-cut top.

Instagram/Brie Larson

Actually, it was a very cute romper, but that's beside the point.

Apparently the sight of Larson's cleavage was just too much for some people to handle.

A few viewers resorted to making immature jokes.

But others deemed the sight of a woman's body too inappropriate for prime time.

These are likely the same people who are offended by the sight of mothers breastfeeding, or a stray nipple on Facebook.

Thankfully, a few people stood up for Larson's right to wear whatever she wants.

And even pointed out what a waste of time it is to police other people's clothing.

To anyone who has a problem with what another woman chooses to wear, we say sincerely:
