Halloween — the (real) most wonderful time of the year!
From your favorite Netflix characters to the infinite ~sexy~ inanimate object suits, your options for this year’s costumery seem unnecessarily overwhelming.
Yet, when we try to find the perfect feminist costume for the spooky season, we keep running into the same old suggestions: Rosie the Riveter, Gloria Steinem, and Beyoncé (no sacrilege, y'all.)
Narrow down your outfit picks and simultaneously let your feminist flag fly with these 19 feminist Halloween costumes.
Angela Davis

Is your feminism intersectional this Halloween? Dress as the inspirational Angela Davis and lead the way to liberation.
Dolores Huerta

Honor civil rights activist Dolores Huerta and her fight for farm workers, immigrants, and women with her iconic protest pose.

AHHH — catcalling is truly frightening! You're sure to win the costume contest with this haunting ensemble.
Amy Poehler or Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton

Pick up a thrift shop pantsuit and “nude pump” the night away as your favorite funny ladies dressed as our future Madame President. Make no mistake between Poehler’s 2008 and McKinnon’s 2016 Clintons: it’s all in the hair.

You don't have to go as Hillary Clinton to be president this Halloween — just go as your own damn presidential self. Brownie points if you bring your First Man of the United States in tow.
A Used Tampon

Contrary to popular belief, periods are not scary! But that doesn't mean you can't get creative and become one with your menstrual cycle.
Bring a friend along for the ride, too!

You know what they say: there's nothing quite as strong as the bond between a woman and the outfit she got period blood on.
Title IX: The REAL Superhero

Celebrate gender equality by dressing up as everyone's favorite country-wide mandated right — Title IX! Grab extra style points by reminding your Halloween party pals to "know their IX."
The Shattered Glass Ceiling

Channel Hillary Clinton’s historic moment of becoming the first woman nominated to represent a major political party as a presidential candidate. For this costume we're thinking white or gray clothing covered by crumpled sheets of blue-tinted cellophane wrap. BE CAREFUL IT'S SHARP!!
A Salem Witch

Witches are feminist as hell, with their defiance of the Christian patriarchy and what not.
Keep smashing that patriarchy while you're out on the town in your witchy getup.
A Woman Wearing Headphones

Let everyone know that you really don’t want to be bothered right now and would rather listen to your “2 Dope Queens” podcast than hear another mansplaination of how feminism hurts the nuclear family. Send the message that you don’t give a flying fug. Wear your large headphones with pride!!!
The Pill

Get your couple costume on with this pill and pill pack combo.
The Supremes... Court Justices

Go as the Notorious RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg), Sonia Sotomayor, or Elena Kagan. Yes, that high school graduation robe you’ve been holding onto will finally come in handy.

Honor non-hormonal birth control this Halloween with this impressive IUD costume. Yes, you'll probably be sore from holding those tennis balls all evening, but look at the bright side — you'll feel swole AF in the days after!
"Captain Contraception"

Or, go ahead and celebrate ALL contraception with a pill-pack cape and a condom-bespeckled tutu. Accessible, cost-effective birth control for all!
An Anatomically-Correct Uterus

You can't forget the uterus, either! A very essential part of this contraception-themed soiree.
The Women Power Symbol

Very simple, very powerful, very feminist. Show how unapologetically feminist you are with this loud and proud symbol of strength. This minimal costume can be relatively easy with some crafty work — create the "female" symbol out of colored card stock or thicker material and then attach to your arm with a hair band of the same color. Voilà!
A Suffragette

Voting is amazingly important, and thank God for women like Alice Paul and Ida B. Wells for pushing for suffrage for ALL women. Push your party people to hit the polls the following week, while you're at it.
A Mansplainer

A living feminist nightmare! This costume is very versatile, so long as your audience understands that you're constantly saying the phrase, "Well, actually."