Here’s how to REALLY tell your girlfriend she’s gaining weight

A few days ago, someone slid into our DMs with a link to a Men's Fitness article titled "How to Tell Your Girlfriend She's Getting Fat." Weirdly enough, the article didn't just take you to a page with a giant "DON'T" written on it — in fact, there were five "tips" for telling a woman she's gaining weight.

Here are some tips on how you should ACTUALLY tell your girlfriend (or friend, or partner, or whoever) that she's "getting fat."

Remind yourself that it's not a "we" problem.


No, it's not a "we" problem. It's not a "maybe we should go on a diet" thing. It's definitely not a "well, we haven't been to the gym together in a while" thing. 

The fact that you have an issue with your girlfriend (let's use girlfriend, for argument's sake) gaining weight isn't on her — it's on you. If you have a problem with someone you presumably love and cherish gaining weight, then you are the one who needs to resolve whatever body-shaming issues you have, not her.

Accept that it's approximately 0.00% your business.


Yes, you're in a relationship and you're close and you share everything, but the one thing you don't share? A. Fucking. Body. And she can do whatever she pleases with hers. It's her body, so these are her rules, so kindly back off.

Don't play the whole "well, if I don't tell her, no one else will" card.

As any plus-size or curvy woman will tell you, virtually everyone feels the need to comment on weight. People concern-troll, health-shame, and just assume that people's weight is an open discussion all the time. 

So for the record, no, if you don't tell her, plenty of people will — and that DOESN'T make it OK.

Yeah, maybe you should break up.


TBH, if you really had to ask yourself how to tell your girlfriend she's "fat," maybe you need to peace the hell out of that relationship.

She deserves way, way better.