We all know that having good posture projects a confident, self-assured vibe out into the world.
But the truth is, most of us could do with some posture improvement. Some of us have huge, heavy boobs we're trying to contend with. Or maybe you have a heavy work bags you're compensating for lugging around.
Whatever the reason, having good posture is not as hard as you might think. Here's an easy to accomplish list of ways to improve your posture right now. After all, you're a queen — don't you want to wear your invisible crown?
1. Head, shoulders, knees and toes!

This isn't just a nursery rhyme — it's also great posture advice.
The American Chiropractic Association recommends keeping your head level — ear lobes over your shoulders, meaning don't jut your chin out or drop your head backwards. Repeating the nursey rhyme as a way to remind yourself to check your head positioning during the day can make a big difference in how your posture looks… and feels.
2. Place your weight on the balls of your feet.

When standing, your weight should be on the balls of your feet (not heels), and your knees slightly bent. When standing, your body should feel supported on your feet so don't lean back into your heels — puts too much pressure on your knees and throws the rest of your muscles out of whack.
So think about how you stand, and how you walk throughout the day. Gently correct yourself with each step. You'll be walking taller in no time!
3. Don't drop your hips!

For pictures, obviously, we gotta hit them angles.
For the rest of your day, keep your hips even by standing on both feet — that means your hips stay balanced, and the rest of your body doesn't have to compensate for a dropped hip. Dropped hips can mean lower back pain. Nobody wants that.
Balance is an overall game. One little cog out of the wheel, and the whole things goes wrong.
4. Chest out!

Say it again and again until it becomes second nature: Chest out. Shoulders back!
Even though it might feel like work to retrain those muscles in your upper back, in the long run, having nice posture actually prevents muscle fatigue, because now the other muscles in your body don't have to compensate for any weaknesses elsewhere!
That means stick your boobs out if you've got 'em!
5. Let your arms hang naturally.

This might be one of those notes that once you hear it you're only going to be awkwardly aware of. Like I remember once in acting class, a teacher told me, "Do less with your hands." As a result, I stopped moving altogether! So don't become so aware of your arms that you feel paralyzed by everything else.
It's about balance.
Don't swing your arms like a windmill. Don't stiffen your arms rod-straight. Let your movement in your body flow easily. Good posture is often about less stress in the bod. So don't stress about it.
6. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

Using a mirror, stand with your feet under your shoulders and push down into the balls of your feet. Arms relaxed (we've talked about this) and get a good feel for what this feels — and looks — like.
Take a few breaths in and out.
This is your stance. Try just watching yourself and remembering this. Your body is now stacked in alignment. Try to re-align throughout the day.
7. Snatch that waist... naturally.

A waist trainer is not recommended by many a chiropractor, physical therapist, and doctor. So I'll put things simply: Stomach in, waist trainer out.
Rely on your abdominals to keep your body strong, and pull your belly in (but not to the point that you're holding your breath). But if you catch yourself letting your stomach hang so that your back arches just do a quick snap back so that you feel your spine lengthen again.
8. Quit sleeping on your stomach.

Sleeping on your stomach means that you usually turn your head to the side. This can throw your body off balance, not just when you sleep, but all day long. Your head being turned for six, seven or eight hours of sleep means that the tendons in your neck and shoulders are being pulled to one side, meaning imbalances in the mid-back and hips! So your posture problems could be caused by bed!
To help your posture, go for a side-sleeping arrangement. I know, it's not the same. But your body will thank you!
9. Buy better pillows.

For some of us who love a lush sleep landscape, quantity is being chosen over quality when it comes to pillows — but this might be jacking your posture up.
Invest in supportive pillows that conform to your shape, rather than propping your neck up unnaturally. This can cause kinks and shoulder stiffness.
If you're a side sleeper, a nice buckwheat pillow can alleviate stress in the neck by providing some sturdy support. Or you can really dig into some dreamy sleep with a memory foam gift from the gods. These puppies can get expensive, so try the Shredded Memory Foam pillow with bamboo back cover from Good Life Essentials and save some dough.
10. Channel your inner goddess.

Beyonce or Rihanna are strongly suggested (though Maxine Waters is very high on the list).
Other possible influences include: Shakira, Joan of Arc, Patty Mayonnaise, Kamala Harris, Audre Lord, and ARETHA FRANKLIN (rest in power, queen).
The impact of a power stance (that's a totally real term that I regretfully did not just make up) can change your posture and your self-esteem. REALLY. It also changes how people perceive you. So stand with authority. You deserve it.
11. Rock your weight front to back.

If you're standing up for long periods of time, rock your weight from front to back, not side to side. Shifting side to side tells your hips that they've got work to do ,and like Shakira told us, hips don't lie.
In fact are hips are the hub of some serious work in our anatomy. Sandwiched between our upper and lower body, the hips bear a lot of weight and tight hip flexors (front side of your connective tissue between your groin and belly) can meet tight hamstrings and lower back problems. And that means poor posture.
So when you're standing at long stretches, make sure you rock your weight from the back of your foot to the front. Better posture and less tired legs await!
12. Wear good shoes.

Did I just become your mom? I'm sorry, but it's true. A lot of posture issues could be coming from down under… your toes. What are on your feet?
Heels? Cramped toes.
Sandals? Collapsed arches.
Best bet is for something roomier, with a supported arch, and a gentle heel cushion. Because there's no way to stand tall if your feet aren't correctly supported!
13. Relax your jaw.

That doesn't mean you have to scowl or smile. Instead, be easy. This is your body we're talking about and we want you to be comfortable.
So let it go. Take your shoulders out of your ears. Unfurrow your brow. Unclench your jaw.
It's all good. You're stunning and magnificent and you look great.
Now lift your chin. Drop your shoulders. Lengthen your spine.
Your posture is perfect, queen. Go forth and conquer.