Beauty YouTube star Jaclyn Hill has been teasing a lot of news lately and sending her fans into mini-freakout sessions. From mysterious photo shoots to tweets about an impending release of the long-awaited Jaclyn Hill Cosmetics, fans have been extra glued to her social media accounts lately to get the tea spilled fresh.
Her followers are convinced that something major and Jaclyn Hill related is just around the river bend. Although they have no idea what, they kind of want any good news they can get about their fave at this point — even if it has zilch to do with makeup. Hill seems to be taking full advantage of the fact that her followers are on pins and needles by dropping vague teasers all over her social media. The latest one was about possible… nuptials?
Jaclyn Hill showed off a blinding diamond ring on her left hand via her Instagram Stories.

She provided zero context. All her followers got was that gargantuan ring, a flawless orangish-red manicure, and Ariana Grande singing "7 Rings" in the background. Nevertheless, all signs seemed to point toward this being an engagement ring. After all, it is on that finger and that hand.
As expected, her fans had a collective heartquake.
"Uhmmmm…. If this is what I think it is I’m literally gonna [redacted] myself," one fan wrote to Jaclyn Hill on Twitter.
Can you blame her? I totally get it. Hill had a pretty public divorce. Her fans were stoked when she revealed she had found love again. An engagement would just be icing on the cake.
People wanted to know more concrete details about this vague ring reveal.
"@Jaclynhill [I] just your Instagram story. Are you engaged? Please say yes," one fan begged her. Seriously, you can't just randomly pop up with a video of a ring that huge and pretty without coughing up some extra tea. Hill knows better than to tease her beloveds this way!
Before the engagement rumors got too out of hand, Hill dropped a quick explanation.
"This is me loving myself!!! Feels good," she wrote to one of her inquiring fans, complete with a kissing lips emoji.
That's it. There's nothing to see here except a super-blinged-out ring and a YouTube influencer who wanted it and got it, as the Ariana Grande song describes. What an expensive, gorgeous, and iced-out way to show yourself some love, right?
Hill also explained that she thought the Ariana Grande song was the biggest indicator that it isn't an engagement ring.
"So annoying that you tweet a video of a diamond ring on your ring finger with no information then act so annoyed when people assume you’re engaged," one fan griped.
"I never acted annoyed. I understand the confusion, but I figured the song made it clear I bought it for myself," Hill explained.
"7 Rings" is about being an independent woman, living your best life, and shopping like there's no tomorrow so...

"Yeah, breakfast at Tiffany's and bottles of bubbles / Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble / Lashes and diamonds, ATM machines / Buying myself all of my favorite things" are the first lines in the song.
I get you Jaclyn Hill! Ball out on those diamonds, sis!
Strangely, the conversation about Hill's huge rock turned into so-called "fans" bashing her boyfriend.
After Hill confirmed that she bought herself the huge diamond ring, a few of her followers began trashing her boyfriend, the recording artist Farnum. Apparently fans think he doesn't have the money to buy her things? Apparently Hill cannot buy herself jewelry unless it's to show the entire internet that her boyfriend… doesn't? Sigh. The internet.
One person flat-out accused Farnum of being broke.
"Of course she bought it for herself," the critic wrote. "Her boyfriend couldn’t afford to buy her one of the prongs that’s holding the diamond. HE BROKE!!!"
"My boyfriend actually does very well for himself. He could take care of me if I didn’t have a penny," Hill responded.
Hill also clarified that she's not with Farnum for material items.
After one fan implied that Farnum has competition thanks to the size of the ring Hill purchased, she set the record straight.
"He doesn’t have any competition," Hill confirmed. "I can buy myself a ring. But I can’t buy love. That’s all I desire from him."
For the love of Al Gore's internet, let's all just let Jaclyn Hill enjoy her man, her money, and her ring — in that order.

Take a breather. Have a drink. Moisturize your scalp. A woman showing off a piece of jewelry does not have to turn into a bashing session of her relationship or her significant other. The internet is a wild place where we are all free to roam with our opinions, but that doesn't mean we don't have to check ourselves and realize when our opinions aren't always needed.
We also need to grow up and stop assuming that just because we do not know a person and are more familiar with their partner, then that the person must be broke. One does not have to be famous to be rich, and one does not have to be rich to be financially comfortable.
Relax, and let Jaclyn Hill enjoy life. She wanted it so she got it, and that's it. End of story.