‘Labia puffing’ is here, because vagina lifts weren’t enough

Off all the weird things I've heard that women do to their vaginas — and trust me, I've heard of some weird ones — this is definitely in the top five.

It's called "labia puffing," and it's a procedure that's supposed to give you fuller, more youthful-looking vaginal lips. As Someecards eloquently put it, labia puffing "promises to make your labia majora look like they did when you were a minora."


But here's how it works:

First, fat from another part of the body is sucked out via liposuction.

The fat is put into a hypodermic needle.

Then, the fat is injected straight into the labia.

Seems straightforward, but the whole procedure, while non-surgical, is still said to take about 30 minutes start to finish.

As plastic surgeon Dr. Jennifer Walden told The Daily Star:

The benefit of labia puffing is that it uses your own fat from another area of your body to add volume back to an area that deflates with time. This makes it look great, as it immediately refills it to an appearance similar to what it may have looked like prior to childbearing and/or menopause.

And it only costs between $2,500 and $3,500!

Let me just be the first to say...
