9 international McFlurry flavors Americans are missing out on

If you've got a curious palate, then you may have noticed that American McFlurries are a little… boring. 

Like, come on — where's your sense of adventure? 

These delightfully frosty treats from around the world, however, are 100% drool-worthy.

The Bubblegum Squash McFlurry from New Zealand is every marshmallow addict's dream.


Or maybe it's every bubblegum addict's dream? Either way, this flavor will satisfy all your pretty pink-and-blue dreams. Those bubblegum syrup swirls look luscious underneath the marshmallows. Oh, and in case you were wondering, no actual squashes were killed in the making of this soft serve.

This Baci-flavored McFlurry from Italy is totally wrapper-free!


If you've ever had one of those hazelnut-y Baci chocolates, I totally understand why you're freaking out massively right now (and if you haven't, you're missing out, seriously). This McFlurry makes it possible for you to dig right into some chocolatey goodness if you can't handle waiting an extra two seconds to remove the wrapper from the actual chocolate!

This Cadbury Crunchie McFlurry is FOMO to the max.


The Crunchie bar is a *fancy* British chocolate bar made by Cadbury and it contains honeycomb and toffee (told you it was fancy!). You can find little pieces of this chocolate bar scattered across the tops of these cold treats… if you pack a bag for the UK.

You just knew something matcha flavored was going to make an appearance.


But matcha was made even better by adding Oreos to the mix! It's green so it must be healthy, right? This can be found on McDonald's menus in Singapore and the Philippines.

Malaysia satisfies all your banana pie needs with the Banana Crunch McFlurry.


It basically looks like a banana cream pie inside of a cup. This is served with banana-flavored syrup drizzled on top, and a sprinkle of crushed Kellogg's Coco Pops, aka the *crunch*.

Instead of candy, you should trick-or-treat for the Pumpkin Oreo McFlurry.


Japan just made Halloween even more Halloween-y (but we're not complaining). Doesn't this McFlurry look like a cute, little scented candle from Bath and Body Works????

BTW, sesame seeds aren't just great on bagels and hamburger buns.


They also look pretty good on soft serve; just ask Singapore. The black sesame swirls look deliciously demonic.

This is how you eat a strawberry shortcake without a plate or fork.


Well, you still need a spoon… and the cute cup that it comes in… whatever. The Strawberry Shortcake McFlurry from Singapore is still probably one of the best things you'll ever inhale — I mean, eat.

And now, bow down to the king of all McFlurries...


Singapore (yes, again with Singapore) has the Durian McFlurry to add to the world's arsenal of crazy/weird/unique (or all of the above) McFlurries. The durian is that nightmarish and smelly fruit with all those spikes, in case you've never gawked at one before.