For some, relationships are based on love, trust, and the ability to mutually decide on what to order for dinner. For others, it seem like it's all about height. Men, as we know all too well, often demand an "ideal" body type from women — long and lean — but women, too, often expect a specific standard from men: TALL.
Luckily, not everyone is so focused on arbitrary numbers. In fact, an overwhelming number of tall women choose to date men who are shorter than them, but as expected, it comes with a lot of judgement, stares, and unwarranted questions. Here are just a few examples of things tall girls with short boyfriends are sick of hearing:
“You guys are so cute!”
Sure, this sounds like a compliment, but you know the difference when you hear it with a demeaning undertone. Newsflash: Shorter dudes aren't toddlers, and calling them "cute" in that way is not acceptable.
"Don't you feel uncomfortable next to him in heels?"
Heels are a BIG point of contention for couples with height differences, but the reality is that people will (and should!) wear what they want to wear without thinking of their significant other. So NO, tall girls usually don't feel "uncomfortable" wearing heels. Instead, they feel empowered to wear what they want, especially if their shorter boyfriend supports their decision.
"You must be the dominant one in the relationship."
Oftentimes, height is compared to strength or power, which is why we think of relationships as reflections of that. But the truth is, physical characteristics have nothing to do with anyone's ability to be "dominant" in a relationship. That's all on the inside, folks.
"He must have an inferiority complex."
A popular urban myth is that ALL short guys have a "Napoleon complex" — aka they feel the need to overcompensate in other ways for their height. Just in the same way that all plus-size women aren't "insecure" about their weight, not all short men are uncomfortable with their height.
"Things must be *awkward* in the bedroom."
People automatically assume you and your shorter boo have difficulties in the bedroom because of your height difference, but in reality, it's probably not true — and it's just offensive to assume that.
"If I were you, the height difference would stress me out!"
No offense, but aren't there bigger, more important things to be worried about?
"Is he really self-conscious around taller guys?"
It's wrong to assume someone's boyfriend is totally hung up on the fact that he's not an "ideal" height. In fact, he might be totally comfortable with the idea or simply never think about it.
"You probably have some weird short guy fetish."
Fetishizing height is totally possible, but plenty of people don't mind a height difference!
"Is he always the little spoon?"
The big spoon/little spoon question is just old news.
"I could never date a guy who's shorter than me!"
Well, it's a good thing you're not me then, right?
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