What has eight legs, and is your brand new beauty inspiration? If you said "spiders," you're damn right. Because let's be real, would October REALLY be October without some serious ~spooky~ beauty ideas? I think not.
So let us now peer into the mists of time — and by that I mean look at Instagram — and check out 11 of the most amazing spider makeup ideas for Halloween. Arachnophobes need not apply.
This web liner is immaculate.

Such delicate linework!
And this boldly-colored spiderweb cut crease? Forget it, it's TOO good.

(This is the finished look, because I know you needed to see it.)

Add a touch of turquoise shadow, and this graphic arachnid liner is surprisingly wearable.

OK, this takes "spider lashes" to a whole new level.

*screaming forever*
I *LOVE* these spider lashes!

With the orange waterline? Swoon.
A single ~spooky~ arachnid tear!

Also: rainbow goth hair goals.
Metallic black widow lips? I'm strangely into it!

And you're not limited to black — white webbed liner is goth queen perfection!

And if all else fails, you can always get abstract.

Kind of want to wear this liner every day of my life, tbh.