"You're so fat."
This very three-word sentence has done an irreparable amount of damage on many a plus-size person's psyche. To be fat doesn't simply mean to be larger in the way that skinny means being smaller — it implies abnormality in a way that is… offensive.
With time, the definition of a word can evolve and often takes on new meaning —both literally and socially. That is why many women are aiming to reclaim the word "fat." Instead of allowing other to hurl the word at them as an insult, they are proudly using it to simply describe themselves, thus taking away the power from those who use it abusively.
Here are 15 bopo babes (and one amazing guy) on how they feel about the word fat. Spoiler: They may totally change the way you feel about it, too.
Curve model Jessica Vander Leahy thinks intention makes all the difference.

"Despite the old 'sticks and stones' saying, words do have power. But the meaning of some words, while sometimes rooted in an ugly history, can be reclaimed and used as a way of showing proud defiance. For me, the use of the word 'fat' is all about intention. If someone flings that word my way with a venomous intent, then that's not nice. It takes more to hurt my feelings these days but that's not language I condone. But I don't judge women who want to use this word in reference to themselves as a way of reclaiming it; good for them."
Plus-size fitness blogger Lauren Cronin is hyper-aware of the duality of the word.

"So when it comes to the word fat, I have two immediate reactions. One is found deep in the fact that it has been used as such a hateful word towards me that I despise it. It makes my heart ache and it's a feeling I wouldn't wish on anyone.
"On the other hand it is a descriptive word. and let's be real: I am fat, obese, overweight, plus-sized, whatever you want to call it… I am fat. That doesn't make me unworthy, unloved, or less than anyone else. All it does is describe the outside."
However, not everyone is down with the usage of this word. Pole dancer Roz the Diva is not here for being called it *herself.*

"I HATE the word fat! It took me months to get used to other people using it to describe themselves. That concept is so new to me I don't know how to accept it yet. It feels wrong and hurtful. However, I damn sure wouldn't stop anybody from using it to describe themselves because I don't flinch when I hear other black people drop N* bombs. I don't drop N* bombs myself, but it's been a part of Afro-American linguistic culture for my entire existence. I laugh at N* jokes. I call F*boys who screw me over N* (in my head). But fat? Nope."
Plus-size model Troy Solomon feels its reclamation is essential.

"I think taking back the meaning of the word 'fat' is imperative to the body positivity movement. There's this incredibly negative connotation that comes with the word 'fat' and the best way to remove that negativity is by members of the 'fat' community using the word and reclaiming its purpose. Just as many other words in pop culture have been 'taken back' or properly re-appropriated, 'fat' definitely needs the same amount of attention in order to propel the idea of universal acceptance and self-love further."
Fashion blogger Shaina Tucker has a cut-and-dry relationship with the word — but it wasn't always that way.

"For me, the word fat is just a description. I often refer to myself as fat because I am. I see it no differently than calling someone skinny. But I haven't always been this way. My 16- and 17-year-old self would break down if someone called me fat. I did everything I could to not be called fat. So I completely understand how someone doesn't want to be called fat. For me, owning the word fat takes all the negative power out of the word, so those who try to use it against me… can't. I also feel as though a woman who does not want to be called fat, that's fine as well."
Jewelz Mazzei, a body positive activist and model, has had a rather emotional journey with the word.

"I used to fear the word and every negative thing that was associated. Being called fat, or hearing the word, used to make me cringe. But I've come to realize that was only because I was fat phobic. With society pushing us to believe on all social platforms that fat is wrong, fat is unhealthy, fat means lonely and dumb, it was something I'd rather die than have been associated with. But now after accepting my body and every inch of fat that comes along with it, I no longer fear the word… I know that I'm not unattractive or dumb or even unhealthy, so all those things that go along with the word fat and the word itself doesn't scare me anymore. There are so many horrible things that others say to each other, and if fat is the worst thing people call me, I must be pretty amazing, don't you think?"
Founder of Adevi Clothing, Ratna Manokaran, feels "fat" cannot define her.

"I really do not see anything wrong with using the word fat as a descriptor on others or myself! In fact I only see it as a descriptor and it does not define me. Yes I am a fat person, but that's not all that I am! I don't see the word as being a limitation, I only see it as a way to relate to myself. I also think that this word is empowering because you are not using other words to sugar coat the word fat. Ultimately I think you can choose to use any word you want, but fat is not a bad word. It's time we reclaim that word for our fat bodies and be proud to use it."
Anna O'Brien, the genius being Glitter + Lazers, doesn't have a problem with the word fat, but does with people who use the word unintelligently.

"I believe words get their meanings from the context we surround them with. And I have no problem with the word fat, but do have a problem when people put context around the word that implies it's negative. And I feel many words can have duality and it's up to us to educate that it's the person using the word negatively, not the word that is wrong or bad."
Activist Michelle Elman warns that while reclaiming the word is great, we need to be conscientious of its impact.

"The word 'fat' is simply a descriptor, it is no different to the word tall. I use the word to describe myself and not anyone else because I am aware it still holds strong negative connotations in the public but I find that using it personally is empowering. To use the word that has been used against you for years helps liberate the shame and stigma that is associated with it."
Sada Jean Brown, a body positivity activist, thinks the word and its usage is a case of simple semantics.

"I believe the word fat has a negative connotation only if you look at it that way. Words are just words and it's society that gives meaning to them. I mean, would you think the word 'fat' was a bad word if you weren't taught to be offended by it?"
For model, poet, and writer Minerva, being fat (and calling herself that) is just simply who she is.

"I identify as 'fat' because I use it as a harmless adjective — a simple descriptor that doesn't equate to 'worthless,' 'ugly,' or 'unlovable.' In my youth, the word 'fat' had so much power over me — I viewed it as such a negative thing. Now, I realize that you can be fat and happy, fat and valued, fat and loved. So, I'm fat, yes — so what?"
Evette Dionne, editor in chief of Bitch Media, feels "fat" is intrinsic to her identity.

"I embrace the word fat because fatness is a part of my identity just as Blackness is. I also use the word to reclaim it from those who've made fatness something to be pitied or despised."
Makeup artist Holly Quinn finds the abuse of the word utterly disgusting.

"Being a fat woman, living with a full, fabulous, and 'FAT body' needs stop being looked down upon. We're here to exist with the rest of the population whether our body type offends you or not. Fat or not, we're just human. If you shame a fat person, you're just being a shameful person. Fat is a description of a body; how someone can use it as a character flaw is disgusting. Fat is beautiful, period."
Fashion blogger Amanda Heckman says that while sometimes she still does get offended if people call her fat maliciously, it doesn't stop her from taking control of the word.

"The only thing I don't like about the word fat is the way it is used. In much of society today, fat is synonymous with the lesser. It's an insult to be flung around when you want to make someone feel truly awful about themselves. I feel as if this sets a bad tone for the word. Fat is just a descriptor of size and I would like to take the word back. A lot of my friends and family don't understand my thoughts on this. When I say, 'I'm fat' they say, 'You're not fat, you're so beautiful and talented' and my response usually is 'I didn't say I wasn't.' I know I'm beautiful, talented, intelligent, and funny, but I am also fat. From a purely scientific standpoint I am overweight for my height, which means I'm fat, and that's the only connotation the word should carry. Not ugly, not stupid or unworthy of love; just fat."
Jessica Torres, fashion blogger and influencer, feels that once we change how we feel about the word, we'll change our view on plus-size people in general.

"Fat is just a word. It does not place the value of who I am or how I should be treated. The sooner we take away all the negative connotation and power we have given the word, the sooner we will stop seeing fat people as inferior or less than."