15 Tips for Actually Saving on Amazon Prime Day

It's that time of year! Yes, fall, of course, but we're talking about Amazon Prime Day — the day where Prime members get major deals and discounts on select products on the website. The original Prime Day was delayed due to the health crisis, but it's slated be happening soon as the end of 2020 nears, with some predicting October. While none of the products are revealed in advance for the suspected two-day event (yes, we know despite the "day" part of "Prime Day") there are ways to get ready for it and to maximize savings. Moms will order on Amazon anyway!

We did a little digging and used our experience with Prime Day to come up with the best ways to save and prep for the mad rush. Whether it's signing up for Prime itself, getting the app, or making a list of items wanted ahead of time, there are things to do. And it's important to do as savings on this day will be major —especially as the holidays roll around. It's the perfect opportunity to get gifts and toys, secure those electronics that have been in the cart forever, or just treat oneself — all at a discount.

Get Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime shipping package

It may seem obvious that in order to participate in Amazon Prime Day one would need a Prime account, but we wanted to make it extra clear. The deals come to those who have a Prime account and that in itself comes with savings. With the Prime account come more deals, as well as free shipping on all orders. For those who are new to Prime, it's possible to get a free trial.

Make a List

Amazon Store at Purdue. A brick-and-mortar store customers can receive products from Amazon.com III

Another way to get great deals and save money is to make a list of items that might be part of the deals ahead of time. Amazon doesn't release or share any items on sale before the big day, so by making a list of possible items, it's easy to search or see items quickly to buy before they sell out.

Set a Calendar Alert

Female'hand of planner writing daily appointment.

Speaking of getting items before they sell out, setting a calendar alert for when Prime Day starts on both days is key. There are no brick-and-mortar buildings to wait in line outside of but lots of folks will definitely be on the site, ready to buy right when Prime Day begins. The early comers get the best deals.

Create a Budget

Cardboard package delivery at front door

Creating a budget is one of the tried and true ways in the personal finance world to save money, but it can be true for Prime Day, too. Spending more than intended defeats the purpose of saving money. Instead, set a dollar amount that is safe to spend (and for items that will be bought eventually, anyway, too) to save the most amount of money and to take advantage of the deals.

Fill a Cart With Items

Internet shopping e-commerce application

In addition to making a list of possible items that could be on sale, another way to save is by adding certain items that might be on sale that are on the wish list to the buyer's Amazon Prime account. The sales might be reflected on the prices on the item listing and can be just purchased quickly from the cart.

Set Up 1-Click

Amazon , Airbnb, ebay, News and other Apps on iPhone screen

Having items in a cart ready to go is fine and dandy, but Amazon has a feature called 1-Click shopping where it's possible to literally buy items with just (yup) one single click. Instead of having to re-input all the credit card or address info, it makes it easy to check out and is a definite way to score items fast and save that cash.

Search for Similar Backup Items

Amazon Prime Home Delivery Internet Customer Order

While there will definitely be tons of deals to shop and save on, the items may go out of stock if they're popular. It's good to have backup items that are similar to the original to fall back on and buy still at a good price. It's a win-win, the item is still what was wanted and it's at a good price, too.

Watch the Lightning Deals

Amazon Prime Delivery

One of the quickest and easiest ways to save on Amazon is through the retailer's "Lightning Deals" section. It's a good idea to bookmark the bag as it'll list a lot of the deals all in one place if there isn't a specific item on the wish list to buy.

Download the Amazon App

Amazon application

Getting deals on-the-go is possible and super convenient with the Amazon app. It functions similarly to buying through a browser, but makes getting to the deals and making a purchase that much easier. The app also lets you set up notifications for price drops and Lightning Deals.

Look Into Cash-Back Programs

Woman in a cafe shopping online with credit card
Lyndon Stratford/iStock

There are tons of cash-back websites out there like eBates and Fetch Rewards that do just that — give cash back or points for gift cards for purchases at almost any retailer. The good thing is that these can be transferred to use on Amazon or for Amazon gift cards to have more money to spend on Prime Day.

Use Swagbacks or Transfer Credit Card Points to Amazon

Pointing on credit card

Another way to save money is by using stored up credit card points that can transfer directly to Amazon in the checkout portal. It allows buyers to just click their credit card option and the option to use points as cash in the same area. It's another way to save money, or use stored money, for deals.

Buy Gifts Early

Overhead view of elegant woman on living room couch holding fresh Amazon Prime

One of the best ways to save money is to buy something at a discount that would have needed to be bought anyway. We're talking school supplies, clothes for the kids, and more. This is also true with holiday shopping. It has to be done, so get it done with things are on sale. Bonus: No more last-minute shopping!

Wait for Prime Day

Amazon.com Web Page

Another good money-saving move is to wait until Prime Day to buy the things that have been on the wish list for a while, namely electronics like Kindles, Fire tablets, Alexa devices, and other things that could be considered holiday gifts for others. Better to get it while they're marked down than at full price another time.

Get Those Alexa Devices Ready

Amazon Echo, the voice recognition streaming device from Amazon

Having an Amazon Alexa device, like the Echo or Dot, can help with Amazon Prime Day deals. Ask for the products part of the special days and it will list them as well as take advantage of deals only for Alexa customers.

Share Deals With Friends

Amazon Prime Trailers at distribution center
Lawrence Glass/iStock

Last but not least, some of the best deals on products come through word of mouth. Team up with a family member or friend who can swap deals they see with another person or even buy in on their purchase and pay them back later. There's strength in numbers and it's sometimes the best way to get in on the top deals.