It may be 2016, but witches still walk among us. They certainly aren't stalking you in the woods or trying to shove your little brother into their ovens for consumption, but they exist — and thanks to the "modern" trend of tattoo artistry, you can spot them easily.
Modern day witches typically practice "Wicca," a religion that centers around seeking "oneness with the divine" and all that exists in nature. Just like any religion, there are entities to worship, prayers and rituals to memorize, and ancient symbols that represent different parts of spirituality.
To help you spot a witch (or at least someone who appreciates The Craft), here are a few tattoos to look out for and what they mean to these spiritual folks.
The unicursal hexagram
This six-pointed star represents continuous movement and is an essential formation to ritualistic magick, particularly for invoking or banishing.
The triple goddess
Representing the three phases of the moon, this iconic Wiccan symbol also symbolizes the three forms a woman takes over her lifetime as "the Mother, the Maiden, and the Crone."
The horned god
In the Wiccan faith, this symbol most often represents the "masculine polarity of the universe," and is connected to the ancient gods of "vegetation and the hunt."
The blessing
This symbol represents the blessings of the moon goddess. The tear drops also represent the Mother, the Maiden, and the Crone.
The spiral goddess
If this symbol made you think of "fertility," you actually aren't that far off. The spiral goddess represents the continuation of life, death, and rebirth.
One of the four elemental symbols, "earth" has ties to invoking Mother Earth and is used in spells for abundance, fertility, and prosperity.
The second elemental symbol, "air" is associated with "the soul and the breath of life."
"Fire" is closely linked to strength and masculinity, but is also representative of change and an aid to life.
The "water" element is considered purifying and healing, and is often used in emotional rituals as it can "carry away" negative energies.
Hecate's wheel
Popular among feminist traditions of Wicca, Hecate's wheel is a symbol of her Greek origins, where she served as the protector of crossroads before evolving into a goddess of magick and sorcery. The maze inside of the wheel represents the power of knowledge and life.
The triqueta
This ancient Celtic symbol is said to have a few different meanings that predate its current Christian "Holy Trinity" representation. One theory is that it's the Celtic symbol of feminine spirituality, while another claims that it represents the connection between the mind, body, and soul.
The pentacle
Often mistaken for the popular pentagram symbol (and also incorrectly associated with evil and demonic powers), the pentacle can be used for protection spells and warding off evil. Four points of the star represent the four elements; the fifth point serves as representation of the spirit or self.
The wheel of the year
This symbol represents the eight sabbats (holy days) of the Wiccan calendar, and is derived from the sun — which also stands for power.