Waiting for your crush to make the first move is TORTURE.
Which is why we love nothing more than women who throw gender stereotypes out the window, grab life (and maybe their crushes?) by the collar, and make the first move themselves.
When plus-size fashion blogger Stephanie Yeboah asked her followers how they found their partners, she got a bevy of responses.
Lo and behold, many of the women who responded actually made the first move with their partner.
One woman OWNED the online dating game.
Another just made a great case for office relationships.
This girl boss was DONE waiting around.
Another one wasn't going to let electricity pass her by.
We need to know what they were cooking.
Never underestimate the power of the booty.
Sometimes making the first move is a slow burn.
Elevators are the hot new date spot.
*lightbulb moment*
Don't let anyone shame you about sleeping together on the first date.
Workplaces are the breeding grounds of ~romance~.
She REALLY liked her crush's shirt.
If the first time doesn't work...
Sometimes you have to be blunt.
One person's game is another person's icebreaker.
All it takes is one dance.
This is the best HR violation we could've imagined.
A wrong number dial WORKED.
Support led to love.
Wine is the catalyst to end all catalysts.
Time to make the first move, girl!