Your favorite YouTubers are known for many many things. Flawless makeup, bubbly personalities, great lighting… and also their catch phrases.
You've probably heard most of them without even realizing it — but here are 11 of them that, once you start noticing them, you'll probably still hear in your nightmares.
James Charles stars every video with a loud "HI SISTERS!"

And of course his "pinkity drinkity."

"If you don't like it, don't fucking watch it." — Manny MUA.

Jeffree Star starts EVERY VIDEO with, "What's up everybody, welcome BACK to my channel!"

Emphasis on BACK.
But he is also known for saying..."so pigmented."

"Das expensive." — Kathleen Lights.

"Stay gorgeous." — Gigi Gorgeous (obviously).

"How yew doin'?" — Nicol Concilo.

And you know Patrick Starrr loves his "booty blender."

"It's ya girl, Jackie Aina."

Followed by her "Jackie, Jackie, Jackie" song.
Grav3yardgirl just wants you to sippy sippy with her.