For people working jobs that require them to spend a lot of time driving, unexpected situations that can be dangerous sometimes pop up. Whether it’s an object on the road, an accident, or hazardous road conditions, they often have to think fast to stay safe. When it comes to severe weather, not only do road warriors have to monitor conditions, but if things get really bad, they also may have to make a bold move to save their lives.
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When a tornado rolls into town, it can be as deadly as it is fast. Staying inside a vehicle is not the safest option. But what should drivers do if they aren’t near a public place to shelter? Can they just go into a private home to stay safe? One Amazon driver apparently did and caused damage during the process. Now, the homeowner wants to know who the heck is responsible.
The homeowner posted in Reddit’s legal advice forum and explained the unusual situation. According to the original poster, aka OP, the Amazon driver was in their neighborhood when tornado alerts sounded. Concerned about being outside, the driver tried to get into the home.
“An Amazon Delivery Driver, seeking shelter after tornado alerts, approached my home to take shelter. At home at the time where my daughter and special needs son,” the OP explained. “According to the driver, after knocking at the front door with no response, he assumed we were already sheltering in the basement. He then went over to a large window and either accidentally or purposely shattered the window.”
OP’s children were in the house and quickly led the driver to the unfinished basement. When OP got home, they noticed the Amazon truck outside and found the man inside the house a short time later. There was lots of shattered glass and blood everywhere.
As soon as they walked in, OP tried to figure out what happened. They got the driver cleaned off and to a hospital, then worked to board up the window. OP contacted the police and now can’t figure out who is responsible for fixing the damages the driver caused.
“Since everything I’ve learned that the driver was employed by a sub contractor. I’ve contacted them and sent an estimate but they have fought me so hard wanting alternative estimates and insisting they should have their preferred contractors come look at it,” OP wrote. “The owner of the subcontractor says he’s not Amazon and I need to work with him. I don’t know what to do and feel like Amazon bears some responsibility here as well. I don’t have the money to hire a good lawyer…what should I do?!”
Plenty of people offered advice to OP. One person thinks it’s an insurance situation, writing, “The sub will have insurance. Your insurance company will go after theirs. It’s called subrogation. Stop worrying about it and GO TO YOUR INSURANCE.”
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The story confused other people. One person thinks OP needs to go after the contractor, commenting, “Why do you think you need to work with Amazon instead of the contractor? The contractor is who you need to talk to, and it sounds like they’re willing to work with you. Are they willing to replace the window? If so, you have been made whole.”
One person claimed to have first-hand experience.
“Hi! Former Amazon driver here! Yep! No, really. Amazon permits the DSP (Delivery Service Partner, the subcontractor) to use their branding, but the DSP actually owns the outfits, the vans, and the equipment,” the person wrote. “Amazon is just the business partner granting usage of their name, logo, and warehouse, in exchange for delivery services. I guarantee the contract the DSP has states something about them absolving themselves of liability (I love indemnification clauses).”
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.