Good Samaritan Rescues 2-Month-Old Baby From Hot Car After Mom ‘Just Plain Forgot’ Him

When it comes to babies and children getting left in hot cars, it's usually one of two scenarios. The first is a caregiver purposefully leaving them in a vehicle. The second is forgetting the child is in the car or thinking they already dropped them off. Both situations can have tragic consequences.

Fortunately for a newborn in Pennsylvania, a good Samaritan saved the day. A bystander saw a potentially dangerous situation involving the baby inside a hot car and took action. Because of the stranger, that infant is alive and well today. His mother, however, is facing serious charges.

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A bystander in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, took action after seeing a baby left in a hot car.

A good Samaritan saw a 2-month-old baby in a hot car July 5 in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. The person noticed the baby crying inside the hot car, WPVI-TV reported. The person opened the unlocked vehicle, removed the infant, and brought him inside a business while calling 911.

Thankfully, the infant is OK.

After calling police, the good Samaritan and two other people waited with the baby until first responders arrived, the New York Post reported. Officers took the infant to a nearby hospital. Luckily, the baby boy was fine and suffered no lasting injuries.

The mother, Janelle Loveless, was shopping and 'just plain forgot' her baby.

The baby's mother, 33, had been shopping in a bookstore, WPVI-TV reported. Allegedly, the infant had been in the car for approximately 23 minutes. When police questioned Loveless, who has two other children, she said she "just plain forgot" her baby was in the car, according to the Post.

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If it weren't for the bystanders, the baby might have died.

Despite the car's windows being cracked slightly open, the temperature inside had already reached dangerous levels.

“If it wasn’t for that citizen who called 911 and extracted the infant from the car, that could have been deadly,” Quakertown Police Chief Scott McElree told the Post.

The temperature outside was 92 degrees that day, McElree noted, per WPVI-TV. "The inside of the car was 117 degrees."

Loveless faces felony charges.

Following the incident, the mother faces felony charges for reckless endangerment of an infant, per the Post. Pennsylvania's child services department is also investigating her. Loveless is a stay-at-home mom, according to police, who is also a Christian musician who has uploaded original songs on YouTube and SoundCloud.