Every single time a situation is brought up where some ignorant employee of some location tries to tell a nursing woman she can't breastfeed in public, the same responses come up time and time again.
"Why not just pump and give the baby a bottle?"
Well folks, there's a LOT of reasons why we're not going to do that.
Here are my reasons:
- I don't want to buy a pump.
- Pumps are expensive.
- Cheap pumps don't do a good job for a lot of women.
- I hate the feeling of pumping.
- It can take me two days to pump what my daughter can drink in 10 minutes.
- My nipples and breasts can end up sore from pumping.
- Pumping is embarrassing and awkward even in the privacy of my home.
- I don't want to have to wash the pump.
- One of my favorite things about breastfeeding is how easy it is.
- I don't own any bottles.
- I don't want to spend money on them.
- I don't want to have to wash them.
- Babies that don't drink from bottles often don't want to.
- It can cause nipple confusion.
- It can make my baby hurt my nipple when she's confused.
- It can make make my breasts expect me to pump the next day too.
- It can screw up my supply.
- Pumped milk is not as good for the baby as it is directly from the tap.
- I don't want to haul bottles around.
- I don't really care what you think.
- My baby has never taken a bottle and I like it that way.
- I don't want to worry about not having enough while I'm out.
- For every feeding I don't give my baby, my breasts make less milk.
- I would have to pump in public to make up for the feeding I'm not giving; no one wants that.
- I think your eyeballs have special muscles that allow you to look elsewhere.
- It's good for my son to see breastfeeding as a normal thing.
- It's good for your kid too as long as you treat it like it's normal.
- Fat cells from the pumped milk stick to the inside of the container, meaning baby gets less and it's wasted.
- Anything she doesn't drink becomes trash even though I busted my butt to pump it.
- Breast milk varies throughout the day so my baby would lose that benefit.
- If I'm going to be out for awhile, it's impractical to have that much milk with me.
- I'd get painfully engorged if I was out for awhile too.
- My baby is more likely to overeat from a bottle.
- She is also more likely to swallow air and have gas pain.
- Or vomit/spit up.
- I'm lazy.
- I think the suggestion is rude.
- One day of pumping and bottle feeding can have ramifications that last weeks on my body.
- Pumped milk is the second best to straight from the breast — if I have the first, why wouldn't I use it?
- Your husband shouldn't care what I'm doing with my breasts — he's married to you, not me.
- My husband is happy that I breastfeed.
- It makes last-minute trips much easier to plan.
- I don't have to pack the diaper bag every time I leave.
- I can nurse and walk.
- A bottle can't put my baby to sleep as well as nursing can.
- I don't have to dig through a bag — it takes two seconds for me to get my boob out.
- I want her milk warm and prepared perfectly without effort.
- Being uncomfortable with pumping can literally make it impossible to get any milk out.
- Breastfeeding is just more natural.
- I just DON'T WANT TO.
What are your reasons for not pumping and just nursing your baby in public?
Image via Laura Slomkowski of Lotus Maternity Services