Are you the mother of a really good-looking kid? So am I. We’re mothers. Even their poop smells divine to us.
Since you know where I’m coming from, allow me to spew a little hot mommy air. My son is really, really good-looking. I try to be objective about it, but sometimes I can’t help myself. Sometimes, people literally stop in the street to gush over his looks or even cross great distances to get a closer gawk. I kid you not, we were chased down a few months ago by a young woman who saw my son a few minutes prior, grabbed her boyfriend, and came back yelping, “you’ve got to see this baby! Look at that baby! OMG!”
All of this makes me very uncomfortable because a.) he’s also a very good dancer and has a lovely personality. And b.) there’s nothing worse than a pretty boy all grown up.
You know the type.
We’ve all dated one at some point or another and, I’m telling you from experience, it ain’t so pretty on a semi-adult male.
I’ll do everything I can to ensure that my son remains blissfully unaware of his cuteness. That is, of course, if he grows up to look that way. Who knows? Swans can turn into ugly ducks. Just take a browse through TMZs ‘Memba Them?! photo gallery.
Nevertheless, there are occasions that I’m tempted to succumb to the superficial. The following considerations do give me pause:
Modeling is boring … As a former hair, hat, and pregnant model, I can tell you, it is a serious time and energy drain. I’d much rather have my son expel that energy on the playground.
It’s work … they get paid for it, sure. But aren’t they a bit young to be collecting paychecks?
Lindsay Lohan.
The entire cast of Diff’rent Strokes.
The thought of tell-all bestselling memoir written by my son, a formerly drug-addicted child star, who emancipated himself from me (his stage mom) before he could even drive himself to his Inside Edition interviews.
It can happen, just ask:
She's very well adjusted now, but does she send a card to her mom on Mother's Day? Doesn't look like it.
I guess the main reason I’d keep my toddler away from child modeling is it’s up to him, not me. I’ll wait for him to get a few more words under his belt and if he announces that he has a burning desire to be America’s Next Top Model, we’ll give it a go.
If he says to me at 3 or 4, “oh mommy, my life’s biggest ambition is to be an actor!” we’ll find a local community theatre and see if he can join their troupe. If after that he says, “I meant …in Hollywood!” then, damn.
It’s the sort of mommy thought that makes me shiver in a very bad way.
What are your thoughts on toddler acting and modeling? Do you think it's a healthy pursuit or downright exploitative?
Image via Sodahead.com