20 Better Vampire Baby Names Than Renesmee

If there's one thing about Breaking Dawn that's gonna drive me nuts (and there's only one thing, as I am a good and faithful Twi-hard), it'll be hearing that vamp/human baby's name spoken aloud: Renesmee. I know, I know, Bella and Edward's daughter is named after both Bella's mother Renee and Edward's adoptive mother Esme. It's a nice thought and all, but hybrid names never work, unless you're talking about nicknames for celebrity couples like Brangelina or Bennifer.

There are so many other, better names Bella could have chosen for her half-breed child. If she really got stumped, she could have just consulted an online vampire name generator! Seriously, vampire name generators do exist. I am not making this up.

And while some of the names these supernatural moniker machines spit out are kind of lame, some of them are actually pretty cool …

Anyway, I know Stephenie Meyer isn't going to rewrite her mega-successful series based on any of these suggestions, nor will Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, or Taylor Lautner drop everything to re-film any scenes involving the name Renesmee, but here they are … 20 Better Vampire Baby Names Than Renesmee:

  1. Desdemona
  2. Felicia
  3. Magdelena
  4. Bloodrayne
  5. Lily
  6. Claudia
  7. Eve
  8. Circe
  9. Aurora
  10. Evangeline
  11. Luna
  12. Morganthe
  13. Perdita
  14. Luminata
  15. Lucia
  16. Astara
  17. Ophelia
  18. Violetta
  19. Veronica
  20. Pandora

What would you name Bella and Edward's baby?

Image via YouTube