When it comes to raising children, I definitely fall on the stricter end of the scale. I believe children need structure, order, and discipline both at home and at school to thrive in life. I don't, however, believe in insane, overzealous rules that try to drain every drop of fun out of childhood and regulate a child's every move with more rigidity than the Marines. That's just what it seems some schools are trying to do, however.
Most of the rules stem from one-off incidents. Rather than dealing with those on an individual basis, schools have a tendency these days to swoop in with new rules and regulations. The result is a ridiculous set of rules that do nothing but needlessly punish students and sometimes even do more harm than good. For example:
Ridiculous Regulation of Bathroom Breaks
Earlier this year, I wrote about a school that restricted students' bathroom breaks to only three times per week. While I found that outrageous, a father from Wisconsin wrote to tell me that his son's school only allows 10 bathroom passes per quarter!
One mom reports that a teacher would write students' names on an "oops" list on the blackboard if they needed to go anytime other than lunch or recess. Another said if students have to go during class they get a zero for the activity they miss. Let the children pee, people.
More from The Stir: Make School Uniforms Cool Without Breaking a Rule
Doctor's Note Required for Hand Sanitizer
No clean hands unless you have written permission, according to the rules of one friend's daughter's school.
No Playing Tag at Recess
It's not tag with loaded guns, nor tag with sharp knives, but regular old tag that kids have been playing for years that has been banned at her children's school, says another mom.
No Peyton Manning Jerseys
Seriously. A friend from Colorado reports that kids can't wear anything with the number 18 on it. The reason: A bad local gang that calls itself "The 18th Street Gang."
Students Banned From Sharing News of College Acceptance
Not just one but several schools have implemented such a rule to protect other students' feelings from getting hurt. This one leaves me almost speechless.
Balls Banned on the Playground
Yep, those big bouncy things that kids kick and run after during all sort s of fun, healthy games involving exercise are apparently too dangerous for today's kids. Last year, a school in the UK banned all of them, proving schools have officially lost their grip on reality.
What's the most ridiculous rule your child's school has enacted?
Image via Sudhamshu/Flickr