I do most of my holiday shopping online, but even with the relative ease of Amazon's free shipping (Prime membership FTW!), there are two major pain-in-the-butt things about gift-buying this time of year. 1) The fact that if you have little kids who believe in Santa, you totally don't get the credit for the fact that YOU were the one who went to the ends of the earth to buy that impossible-to-find toy they wanted, and 2) stocking stuffers. Oh my god, after all the shopping and buying and wrapping, you still have to do stocking stuffers?
If you don't plan ahead, the act of buying stocking contents can all too easily turn into the hellish, expensive nightmare that is the Overcompensating Party Favor Bag. Let us avoid the Stocking Stuffer Trap this year, fellow moms! Here are 10 awesome, home-run ideas for your kids' stockings (and best of all, each one costs under $10):
10 Rad Stocking Stuffers for Under $10

Hex Bug

Hex bug, $6.99
These vibrating, moving "bugs" are super fun, and they come with a long-lasting battery.
Washi Tape

__Washi tape (price varies, $2.70 for a roll here)
Washi tape is sort of like ultra-awesome, supercute masking tape. Why am I recommending tape as a stocking stuffer for kids? Well, my own kids are OBSESSED with tape, so I'm just assuming yours are too.
Sunprint Paper

Sunprint paper, $9.50
Kids can put an object (like a pretty leaf or flower) on this photosensitive paper and expose it to the sun for a cool piece of keepsake art.
Tattly Temporary Tattoos

Tattly Temporary Tattoos, $5 for a set of 2
Tattly makes the most appealing-looking temporary tattoos out there — for once, you'll actually be glad for how long it lasts on your kid's arm/leg/face/wherever.
Rory's Story Cubes

Rory's Story Cubes, $7.50
Nine cubes, unlimited creativity: the perfect cure for a rainy afternoon.
Spinning Toothbrush

Spinning toothbrush, $5-8
Why do kids love new toothbrushes so much? No one knows.
Kids' Flashlight

Kids' flashlight, $7
I'm sorry that the flashlight I included here sort of looks like a dildo, but the point is, flashlights + kids = yay.
Giant Googly Eyes

Seven-inch diameter googly eyes! Your child can anthropomorphize anything he wants.
FartMaster Keychain

FartMaster Keychain, $8.72
Yes. It's a keychain that makes six different fart noises, including "ripper," "nervous," and "wet." Look, I didn't say YOU would enjoy this one.