You've heard Kate Winslet is pregnant. Babies are happy news. They are little miracles wrapped up in wombs. And with that is joy and smiles and judgment and mean-spirited jabs taken at the mother when her kids are fathered by not one, not two, but three baby daddies. Winslet is pregnant with baby number three from husband number three. Whisper with me now. She must be unstable. Something is definitely wrong with her to go through all those marriages. She's seriously damaging her children.
I don't believe any of that, of course. If any person is lucky enough to find love after divorce two times and then have the privilege of being a mother times three, then I think that's reason to celebrate. Kate seems happy! We should all be happy for her — for any woman with more than one baby daddy with or without Kate's A-list Hollywood status.
It's hard enough having three kids. We have to give her strife about who she created those three kids with?
A recent article in The Daily Mail spoke to some women who clearly had a huge problem with Kate being a 3X3, a term to describe a woman who has three kids with three different men.
Why is her love life such a mess? the article stated. A mess? I wouldn't call it a mess. How could anyone call it anything unless they have walked in her shoes and lived her exact life. Kate's happy! She's glowing! She's pregnant! Worry about the crap in your own life instead of what you think is crap in hers.
She's always searching for Mr. Absolutely Right, someone quipped. Well, that sure beats settling for Mr. Absolutely Wrong.
Third child by third husband. Yes absolutely appalling, one winner said. Clearly, trolls.
Why are we so evil to each other? Kate left her marriage to first husband Jim Threapleton with an incredible daughter named Mia, now 12. Sam Mendes, hubby number two, and Kate have a very loved son named Joe who is 9. Now she's gestating husband Ned Rocknroll's lucky little baby.
Some people leave a marriage with nothing except half of the silverware. Kate got amazing kids out of it. And she found love again. How can we not be happy for her?
Do you think people need to stop criticizing women who have kids with different fathers … or Kate who has three kids from three different fathers?
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