50 Best Autism Resources Online

April marks National Autism Awareness Month, and starting today, we're shedding light on the 1 in 88 American children who are on the spectrum.

And while not everyone is directly affected by it, no one is alone in the journey. Autism is a concern for all of us.

If your child has just been diagnosed with autism and you're not sure where to start, we have the sources for you. And whether you're looking for medical information, camaraderie, expert advice, autism-specific toys, best vacation plans for traveling with a child with autism, or just a shoulder to cry on, we have that resource as well. From national organizations to parent-written blogs to scholarship opportunities and even resources for siblings, we've put together a list of the 50 best autism resources on the Internet:

  1. Autism Society — the grassroots autism organization website has resources on living with autism, the latest research, and includes opportunities for involvement.

50 best autism resources

  1. Autism Speaks — the site's founders have a grandchild with autism, and the site has research, family services, and advocacy. All in one convenient location.

  2. Autism Women's Network — site geared specifically for women that includes funny real-life blogs and highlights how race, culture, and sexuality intersect with autism.

  3. Dads 4 Special Kids — a specialty site for fathers who are raising kids with special needs that includes an Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan for families.

  4. Sibling Support Project — the site has resources, activities, games, and support groups for kids who have siblings with special needs.

  5. Autism Consortium — collaborative research site with information on the latest scientific developments and a famous annual research symposium.

  6. Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism — established by NFL quarterback Doug Flutie and his wife, the foundation awards annual grants to nonprofit organizations that provide direct services, family support grants, education, advocacy, and recreational opportunities for individuals with autism.

  7. Train 4 Autism — the site helps organize groups of athletes and physically active people who want to raise awareness for autism by participating in marathons, 5Ks, and other sporting events.

  8. Organization for Autism Research — the site offers studies, academic journals, and facts that are based in applied science.

  9. Autism Now — the site provides information on how people with autism can transition into the classroom, into the workforce, and into the community.

  10. Disability Scoop — the site aggregates news from the web and specifically sorts by category. It's a one-stop shop for any and all autism news.

  11. Autism Research Institute — offers both online and in-person educational events for parents and caretakers of children with autism.

  12. AutismWeb — site run by parents that offers training methods, special diets, and books on how to care for a child with autism.

  13. Autism Hwy — online community for parents of kids with autism that offers fun and educational games and activities.

  14. Autism Beacon — has a glossary of any and all autism-related terms, as well as a blog about parenting kids on the spectrum.

  15. Autism Adventure Travel — it's a travel service that specifically helps to plan vacations for special needs families.

  16. Autism After 16 — has resources about transitioning to secondary learning, employment, housing, and community living for people with autism.

  17. American Professional Exchange — provides information about hiring au pairs and experienced live-in child care professionals that specialize in caring for children with autism.

  18. eSpecialMatch — a social media site (built similarly to Facebook), where families and people with special needs can connect with organizations, professionals, and each other.

  19. GuardianPack — allows parents of kids with special needs to settle their will & testament and name caregivers for their children.

  20. Moms Fighting Autism — a monthly live webinar series that brings in new speakers (moms, professionals, researchers) to talk about how autism affects their lives.

  21. MyAutismTeam — a social network for parents of kids with autism that allows members to find providers, ask questions, and connect with other parents.

  22. National Autism Network — it has a social network, provider directory, events calendar, forums, as well as professional articles and expert written content. 

  23. ReThink — an educational resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers that outlines Common Core guidelines for kids with special needs. 

  24. Special Kids Photography of America — includes a directory of photographers who were specially trained to work with children with special needs.

  25. Raising Cubby — a blog by a father, John Elder Robinson, as he recounts his life with special needs, raising his son, and their hilarious past with explosives. 

  26. Just a Lil Blog — a blog about "the adventures of an autistic little girl, and her struggles raising her two parents with only a big sister to help her." Written adorably by her parents and with some greatly placed snark and humor. Plus, memes!!

  27. Autism From a Father's Point of View — a blog by Stuart Duncan, father to Tyler and Cameron, who is autistic. The posts are intelligent, poignant, and perfectly funny.

  28. Stimeyland — Stimey, mom to three boys, who have autism, ADHD, and SPD, blogs about their everyday experiences, including their sports involvement, health, and general progress.

  29. The Third Glance — written by a young female PhD student, who also happens to have autism. She details her life, how she interacts with other students, how she studies, and how she lives independently.

  30. Thinking Person's Guide to Autism — a multi-writer blog that focuses on the scientific aspects of autism. Features interviews and guest blogs by professionals and other parents.

  31. Life With Joey — written by a mother of two, whose son Joey has autism. She writes about their daily struggles, the goals they've set for Joey's progress, and current events that pertain to autism (bullying, 'ban the r-word,' etc.).

  32. Autism Day by Day — a blog written by a mother of a teenage boy with autism about the daily differences and progresses, her son's educational pursuits, and their regular adventures.

  33. Healing Thresholds — site that is focused on different therapies used by families with children with autism. Mostly focuses on the top therapies, but has access to over 100 others.

  34. First Signs — a site that links parents to research universities that are doing autism-related studies and looking for participants.

  35. Jobs for Autism — lists job resources for young adults with autism, and includes a job board, information on applying, and independent living.

  36. Wrightslaw Yellow Pages for Kids With Disabilities — has a state-by-state listing of the best providers and services, as well as information on educational law for kids with autism.

  37. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning — provides resources on education and lesson plans for kids on the spectrum.

  38. Financial Aid for Disabled Students — provides information and listings for finding scholarships and grants for students with disabilities.

  39. Positively Autism — provides educational resources to parents and teachers on how to instruct children with autism.

  40. I Speak of Dreams — a great resource for parents who are looking for parenting techniques for their children with autism, as well as learning money management and appropriate therapies.

  41. Fickle Feline — blog written by a mother who has a son with autism about their struggles with finding a guide dog, education, and daily adventures. Plus, she makes quilts!

  42. Aspiring Youth — an online resource for finding summer camps for students, both with disabilities and not.

  43. Autism Hangout — has online forums, blogs, and discussion boards where users can post their personal experiences with autism and discuss strategies, therapies, struggles, etc.

  44. Autism Community Store — has products that are specially manufactured for use by children with autism. Includes, toys, supplies, and tools for parents and children.

  45. Autism Match — a site that helps connect families and professionals for direct questions and assistance.

  46. Awe in Autism — includes movies, videos, songs, art, and other creative expressions that show the beauty of kids with autism.

  47. Bridges to Adventure — outdoor vacation ideas and packages for families with children on the spectrum.

  48. Mama Time — provides retreats and workshops for mothers who care for children with autism. Provides for networking, relaxation, and education.

  49. Celebrate Autism — has volunteer opportunities, community outreach, and a training program for those who want to be involved in autism advocacy and services.

What's your favorite website for autism information?

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