Throughout the years, we've seen our fair share of rude notes. Whether it's kids leaving some hilariously nasty messages to protest being sent to bed early, or neighbors alerting the folks next door that their late night activities are a little loud, passive-aggressive note writing is alive and well. And nasty notes written to parents? Those are often the worst.
These days, it seems like everyone things they should get a say in parenting … whether they're a parent or not. And they're not-too-shy about voicing their opinions.
That's why we've gathered the craziest notes ever written to parents to really show you just how nutty it can get. From the anonymous "stuck in the mailbox" letters to the nastygrams sent home from school, it's clear parents are getting judged at every turn.
What would you do if you received a letter like #5?
Image via iVillage
"Please take care of this matter"

When a pre-school teacher realized that some children have accidents in their pants on their way to school, she didn't appreciate their parents' lack of understanding. You better believe they got an earful:
"Parents please take care of this matter. It is a health and safety concern. It also makes it difficult for me to be close to them or even want to touch them. Enough said."
Much Thanks

When a dad (of Dad on the Run) went on a ski resort, and brought his child along, he received this rather kind email from a stranger:
"Thank you for bringing a screaming baby to a ski resort and wake up everyone near your room, several times during the night."
Think Twice

When one dad decided to order custom stamps of his daughter for their birthday card invitations and used the extras to send regular correspondence, a kind, but ridiculously creepy, stranger set him straight:
"There are crazy people out there you know! You should think twice before flaunting your child to the world."
The Lunch Dilemma

A Missouri dad (and doctor) recently received this beautiful letter from his daughter's school about the young girl's lunch. Apparently, the administrators were not very satisfied with the contents of her meal:
"Please see that she packs a proper lunch tomorrow."
More From The Stir: A Letter From My Pregnant-Self to the Mom I Hope to Be

Apparently, Jade's friends were not fond of her Facebook posts, so they decided to let her know exactly how they felt:
"Not everyone is as interested as you are about what Addy does so give us all a break."
No Socks, No Shoes, Tons of Problems

You try to explain to a toddler that taking of his shoes isn't exactly proper. Apparently, this neighbor just couldn't deal with it:
"Stop Being a Lazy ass Mom!!"
Giggles Are Not Welcome

How neighborly?! This neighborhood welcoming committee member decided to let the family know exactly what they think of their giggling baby:
"Perhaps you could ask him to tone it down a bit, or at least limit his outside time to 15-20 minutes a day so my dogs can be outside without seeing him running around. If this kind of behavior persists, I WILL CALL THE POLICE!"
More from The Stir: 11 Love Notes Only a Kid Could Have Written
The Nerve

The most supportive neighbor ever decided to let one mom know exactly what they think of their crying baby. Truly, the best:
"Move or euthanize him!!!"

The parents of a 13-year-old boy with autism received this letter from "one pissed off mother," demanding that the family move out of the neighborhood and "euthanize" their son:
"He is a hindrance to everyone and will always be that way!!!!! Who the hell is going to care for him?????? No employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to marry/love him and you are not going to live forever!!
"Do the right thing and move or euthanize him!!!"
More From The Stir: Little Girl Writes Best Running Away Letter Ever
The Aggressive Baby

The 9-month-old was apparently a tad too rough with her fellow kids:
"Samantha has been playing roughly and aggressively with the other babies. They will be crying and upset but she is smiling and enjoying herself."
It Takes a Village

There's a lot of debate over whether this letter is real or fake — so it could just be a major (though crazy) trolling — but this Halloween candy-giver decided to be selective with his sweets. In fact, at this house, if you're overweight, you won't be getting candy. Hear that, kids?
"Your child is, in my opinion, moderately obese and should not be consuming sugar and treats to the extent of some children this Halloween season."
More from The Stir: 11 Notes From Moms Who've Had It Up to Here With Their Kids (PHOTOS)