‘Mommy, I’m Scared’ — 9 Hacks to Banish Bedtime Fears for Good

Any parent who's struggled to get their kids to go to sleep in their own bed has probably heard this explanation ad nauseum: "I'm afraid of the dark." This is no lame excuse: Fear of the dark can feel very real for kids, so it's not something for parents to brush off without considering what they can do.

But that doesn't mean you need to spend the rest of elementary school with a scared kiddo in your bedroom. 

From glow-in-the-dark decals to "monster spray," these hacks and tricks will get your kids all but begging to turn off the lights come bedtime. Try one or a few to ease your kids' (and your own!) transition to bed.

Tricks to Help Kids Afraid of the Dark

Hack #10 is genius for nighttime bathroom trips!

Image via Wall Candy Arts

Monster Spray

C'mon, Get Crafty

If your kid's leery of the dark because he's scared of monsters — and not buying the old "monster's aren't real" spiel yet — you may as well play by his rules and give him ammo he can understand: monster spray. Just remodel any old spray container with a new label (free printable at C'mon, Get Crafty). Fill with water and a nice scent like lavender, then have your kid spritz areas of his room where monsters might be hiding right before bed. Keep it on a nearby nightstand for added peace of mind.

Stars in a Jar

Something Monumental

Night lights are nice, but stars in a jar are a FAR more exciting proposition to get kids excited to turn off the lights! All it takes to make is a jar, black construction paper, and a glow stick inside.

Portable Night Light


These Glo night lights are so cool, your kids may beg to turn off the lights. Even better: Unlike the usual plug-in versions, these glowing orbs can be plucked from the stand and taken to the bathroom in case your kids have a call of nature at night. $84.99 @ boon

Weapons Holster

That's My Letter

What better way to feel safe at night than to keep your "weapons" within reach? That's why your kids will love this bunk bed weapons holster, made from an Ikea plastic bag dispenser.

More from The Stir: 5 Mistakes Moms Make When Moving Toddlers From Crib to Bed & How to Avoid Them

Star Mobile

fungus amungus/instructables

If your child loves staring up at the stars, this glow-in-the-dark star mobile will get him excited to turn off the lights. This mobile is simple to make out of cardstock and glow-in-the-dark paint with instructions on instructables.

Lit Bookcase

Pretty Handy Girl

When have any old night light when you have a lit bookcase instead? A light rope behind these shelves emits a soft glow to illuminate the cut-out trees, birds and moon.

Turn Their Bedroom Into a Space Station


Turn their dark room into a space station, and your kids will be begging to go to bed. This one was made with glow-in-the-dark stars, LED lighting, and a bed turned into a spaceship. The rocket engines were built from three castoff VW bus hubcaps, but you can use any number of upcycled odds and ends.

More from The Stir: 6 Tricks to Getting Your Toddler to Sleep in His Own Bed

Glow-in-the-dark Light Bulb Decals

Wall Candy Arts

What kid wants real light bulbs when you can get glow-in-the-dark light bulb decals instead? These stickers are also removable, reusable, and won't damage walls. $38.40 @ Wall Candy Arts

Glow-in-the-dark Toilet Seat


If those nighttime trips to the bathroom are what trips your kids up, all will be solved with a glow-in-the-dark toilet seat. All you need is fluorescent paint covered with clear acrylic. And just think: no more excuse that they missed the target because it was too dark.

More from The Stir: 7 Tips on Getting Your Toddler to Sleep Better