If you've got a newborn baby on your hands, you will no doubt be admiring every inch of him — and maybe breaking out the camera so you'll never forget it. Well, make sure you don't miss out on one of the best parts: baby's feet.
Why feet, you may ask? Because there's just something about those tiny little toes and those wrinkled soles that just makes us giddy. Seriously. Check out these photos and you'll see what we mean.
Isn't photo #5 an adorable idea?
Image via Denton Birth Photography
Tiny, Wrinkled, Perfect

"I just LOVE brand-new baby feet," says photographer Cassandra Hawkins. "They're so teeny-tiny and wrinkled and just perfect."
Hello, Toes!

"These are baby Piper’s little toes," says photographer Janelle Kamp. "This image was captured at her newborn photo shoot at only a week old! Nothing is quite as sweet as tiny little baby feet."
Baby Feet, Meet Big Sis

"In this photo the big sister is touching her new baby sister's feet," says photographer Paige Driscoll. "Big sister was in awe of her new baby sister. She was so excited because she wasn't sure if she was getting a brother or sister. She looked her over carefully and then she touched her tiny feet. It was such a sweet moment."
Weighty Moment

"This is one of my favorite moments at a home birth: when baby is lifted up and weighed," says photographer Monet Nicole. "I loved seeing this little guy’s sweet feet as he swung in the air!"
More from The Stir: 12 Breathtaking Images of Babies Right In the Middle of Being Born (PHOTOS)
'I Do'

"What do you do when the bride and groom have an adorable newborn baby?" asks photographer Jeanne Sager. "You stick their wedding rings on her equally adorable feet!"
Wrapped for Delivery

"I love this image: The baby was born in the caul and her tiny feet were wrapped around her amniotic sac," says Driscoll.
Baby and Crochet

"These brand-new toes belong to a baby girl being weighed for the first time," says photographer Cassandra Hawkins. "I just love that they use a little crocheted basket and spring scale to weigh the babies at the birth center!"
Out for Some Air

"This baby was just born," says photographer Jaydene Freund. "And this little boy stretched his little foot through Mama's arms to reach fresh air."
More from The Stir: 12 Extraordinary Images That Capture the Moment Moms Met Their New Babies (PHOTOS)
Twins Playing Footsie

"Twins always amaze me," says photographer Ashley Marston. "When I took them apart to photograph separately, they fussed. As soon as I put them back together, their legs and arms started to intertwine and then, they were calm again."
Dip a Toe Out

"The water being his home for nine months, this peaceful little foot was still unaware that he was earthside," says Marston.
Happy Birthday ... and Anniversary!

"My daughter Avery Rose was born May 23, 2015 — one day before Mommy and Daddy's six-year wedding anniversary," says mom Taryn Scher. "So we thought it was fitting to shoot this photo!"
Stamped and Approved

"These perfect little toes kicked up to make a perfect little heart!" says photographer Ellen Borden.
More from The Stir: 15 Heart-Melting Images of Dads Meeting Their Babies for the First Time (PHOTOS)
Big & Little Piggies

"Little toes, fresh from the womb," says photorapher Morgan Lang. "Next to her big sister's piggies."
More from The Stir: 6 Breathtaking Pictures That Show The Beauty of Giving Birth (PHOTOS)
'Every Baby Does Something Different With Their Feet'

"Whenever I capture a baby breastfeeding, I try to take a picture of their feet," says photographer Sabrena Rexing. "It might sound strange, but every baby does something completely different with their feet while they nurse, and it changes as they grow, so I want to capture exactly how they nurse."
Imagine All The Miles...

"There isn't a single part of a new baby that isn't adorable and sweet and
just pure magic, but there's something special about little baby toes," says mom Rigel Celeste of this pic of her baby's feet. "As a new mom I look at his toes and see how soft and unused they are, and can't help but think of the man he'll be someday, with dirt and callouses, so many miles of life and adventure — and maybe his dad's horrible toenails."
More from The Stir: 11 Heart-Melting Images of Siblings Meeting Baby for the First Time (PHOTO)