Parenting is a beautiful experience. What could be more moving than bringing a new life into the world and guiding a child with love and patience? Well, nothing. But that's not the stuff that makes it on to memes. Nope. The stuff that makes you want to hit the share button is the behind-the-scenes struggle that comes with staying sane while parenting.
Here are 13 memes that made moms laugh, cry, and nod their heads in recognition, all at the same time.
Your New Normal

You know you're a parent when cheap thrills are replaced with constant worry. Lifetime, we are so done!
Netflix Nights

Pass the wine in a box, please.
Never Getting That Hour Back

Curse you, five-point harness!
Dreams? What Dreams?

We recommend Pilot Inspektor.
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Your New Boss

He's adorable, he's your angel, and a precious gift. But boy does he have needs!
Not Happening

A couple of minutes alone in the bathroom would be good, too.
Tough One

Either way, we've got the lanolin ready!
Potty Training Blues

Why, God, why?
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Back Up!

Worry about yourself!

Uh-oh! There goes the college fund!
Little Einstein

It's amazing how quickly they learn.
Good Dad

Hands down, the best version of Pizza Rat meme: Pizza Rat Dad.
More From The Stir: 11 Text Messages From Moms Who Are So Over Making Dinner (PHOTOS)
Hear Me Roar

Yup, that about sums it up.