As someone who could barely remember to breathe when I was in labor, I've always been in awe of moms who can carry on conversations or even put on makeup while giving birth — but what California-based photographer Lisa Robinson-Ward managed to do during her daughter's delivery is truly mind-blowing: This mom actually photographed her own labor! Even more mind-blowing? The photos are nothing short of breathtaking.
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Robinson-Ward and her husband, who also have a 9-year-old daughter, called the pregnancy a surprise; after years of trying for another baby but suffering two miscarriages, the couple had decided to put their dreams of having another baby on hold for a while. Of course, as fate would have it, that's exactly when the stork decided to show up! So when Lisa found out she was expecting, she decided she would act as her own birth photographer. As she told the Huffington Post, she thought having something to focus on would help her stay calm — even though she wasn't sure she'd really be able to pull it off.
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She did, of course, pull it off — and the results are amazing. Read through our slideshow to see!
The Beginning

After her water broke at 3 a.m., it was off to the hospital. As Robinson-Ward told the Huffington Post, "When we got there, I was shaking with every single contraction and at one point I thought to myself, There’s no way I’m going to be able to hold the camera."
Keeping Track

A familiar sight for any mom who gave birth in a hospital! Robinson-Ward said she was able to snap pics of her surroundings in between contractions, but it was "intense" — understandably!
Pain Management

Robinson-Ward's labor lasted for 14 hours, but she said the time "flew by" thanks to "really good pain management." Thank Heaven for epidurals!
More from CafeMom: 12 Breathtaking Images of Babies Right in the Middle of Being Born (PHOTOS)
Written in the Stars

Proof that horoscopes are sometimes accurate: Robinson-Ward's forecast begins: "Today it looks like someone who you thought would never, ever budge from their stubborn position appears to be thinking about things in a different way."
Lending a Hand

There's nothing like a supportive hand squeeze from your partner to get you through those rough spots!
Say Cheese

Robinson-Ward said her doctor was totally fine with being photographed, but he was still kind of "amazed" that she was able to snap any pics!
More from CafeMom: Incredible Water Birth Photo Series Captures Pure Serenity in Delivery (PHOTOS)

Welcome to the world, little Anora! That's definitely a memory worth capturing!
Happy Tears

Is there any moment more emotional in life than meeting your child for the very first time? We love the pure joy on Dad's face!
The New Arrival

The doctor looks awfully proud of his newest patient! And won't Anora absolutely love to see these pics someday?
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Cutting the Cord

And now, Dad's shining moment: the cutting of the umbilical cord. A rite of passage!
Gorgeous Girl

Look at that faaaaaaaaace!!! What a beauty. And according to Mom, she's super "mellow" and a good sleeper, too!
Mother & Child Reunion

Robinson-Ward said she handed her mom the camera right after Anora was born, which is when this stunning photo was taken.
More from CafeMom: Incredible Images of Babies Being Born Give Us a Look at the Miracle of Birth
Bonding Time

Anora's little pink hat is just too sweet. As is the look on her daddy's face!
All Wrapped Up

Anora's all wrapped up like a baby burrito after her first bath! And, like a burrito, we could just eat her up.