Simple acts of kindness truly go a long way, as they have the ability to impact the lives of so many. An 11-year-old New Mexico boy is being praised for his compassion toward a fellow classmate. After noticing a student was eating only a fruit cup for lunch, Josette Duran's son asked his mom to pack two lunches — a move that sparked a series of caring gestures that helped pay it forward in a major way.
As Mom writes: "I'm so proud of my Son's heart! He is so kind."
It's so heartbreaking to think of any child going hungry, which is why you can't help but love (and thank) this family for intervening.
Josette's viral Facebook posts are a beautiful reminder to all parents that it often takes a village to help raise a child — and that a few extra sandwiches and chips can make a world of difference in a child's life.
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Sometimes, you just never know what people are going through behind closed doors. And Josette must be so proud to know that her little boy has compassion in his heart — and a willingness to do something about it.
Embedded content: https://www.facebook.com/josette.duran.9/posts/10206742705549116
What makes this story even more touching is that it doesn't stop here.
As Josette explains in a Facebook Live video featured on KCCI News, the mother of the student she's been feeding lost her job and wasn't able to pay for her child's school lunch.
And rather than take the the money this single mother tried to repay her with once she landed on her feet — or the $400 the girls' volleyball team raised as reimbursement — Josette decided to help make sure no more kids in her son's school would miss a meal again:
We paid up all the past due accounts for all the kids who need lunch. So now, nobody in that school owes any money, and now everyone can eat.
This hits home to me because a few years ago, me and my son were homeless. I was living in my car and I was washing him in bathrooms. And we didn't have food.
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As someone who has experienced food insecurities (there were times when the only thing we had in our cupboard was tea and Stove Top stuffing) and financial hardships growing up, I will say this family's actions bring tears to my eyes.
This is what community is about.
I can only imagine the fears my mother had of barely making ends meet during that time and I am constantly looking for ways to give back so no one else has to.
It's amazing this 11-year-old boy was able to spot a classmate in need and provide a meal for him. It's also wonderful Mom used her monetary donations to pay for all the outstanding lunch accounts.
Thank you so much, Josette, for reminding us that we can make a difference — and, more importantly, teach our little ones that they can get involved, too.
Embedded content: https://www.facebook.com/kcci8/videos/10153887125405079/
Image via Josette Duran/Facebook